General Area: Calendar Tab

Use the Calendar tab in the General area of the Configuration workspace to specify your firm's normal working days, non-working days, and holidays.

The Calendar tab is only available if you activated the Resource Planning module.


Field Description
START OF WEEK Click in this field and select the first day in your work week.
Non-Working Days Select the check boxes for the days of the week that your employees normally do not work.
Holidays grid Use this grid to specify the holidays or other special days on which your employees do not normally work.

Click in this field and select the date of the holiday.

If you add holidays in an order other than chronologically, you can click the heading for this column to sort the grid rows by date.

TYPE Click in this field and select either Holiday, Leave, or Other to indicate the type of time off.
DESCRIPTION Enter the name or other description of the holiday.

To create a copy of a holiday immediately below it, hover over the row and click this icon. If a holiday includes two days, for example, you can use this icon to copy the first row for the holiday and then change the date for the new row to the next day.

You can also use the copy feature if you want to create rows for a particular holiday for several years at one time. You can then change the dates and sort the grid based on date if you want the holidays in chronological order.

To delete a holiday, hover over the row and click this icon.