Project Information Import Fields

You can import data for each element of the work breakdown structure (WBS) into the Deltek CRM database. If the WBS element does not already exist in Deltek CRM, it is added.

Within the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a given project, you must import a higher-level WBS element before you can import the related lower-level WBS elements below it in the WBS hierarchy.

For example, if project 01 (the top-level WBS element) has phases 01.001 and 01.002 below it, the record for 01 must exist in Deltek CRM before 01.001 and 01.002 can be added

If you import projects from a .CSV file, you can meet this requirement by placing the records for higher-level WBS elements before their lower-level elements in the same .CSV file. You do not have to run separate import processes for each WBS level, for example.


Field Description/Notes

Project ID

Size: 255 characters

Type: Varchar


Full WBS element ID.

You establish your project work breakdown structure (WBS) by importing the elements for all levels of the WBS for which you want to do resource planning and by specifying the parent element for each element that is not at the top level. For example, if the project ID at the top level is 10100, and it has three phases at the next level (10100.10, 10100.20, and 10100.30), you import four records. In the import records for the phases, the field you map to the Parent ID field should contain 10100, the number of the top-level project. You can have up to 15 levels in a project WBS, and the number of levels can vary from project to project.

If no WBS element with a matching ID exists in Deltek CRM, the import process creates a new record for it.

If a WBS element with a matching ID already exists in Deltek CRM and you select the Update duplicate records option, the import process updates fields in Deltek CRM for that WBS element based on the data in the .CSV file.

If this field is blank, the record is not imported and an error message displays.

If you enter planned hours for a lowest-level WBS element and later import one or more new elements below that element in the WBS, Deltek CRM automatically moves the planned hours to the first child element that is created. You can then use the planning grids to redistribute those planned hours.

Parent ID

Size: 255 characters

Type: Varchar

The ID of the WBS element's "parent" element in the WBS. (See notes above for the Project ID field.)

If this field is blank, the element is added as the top-level of a new project. If this field contains an ID, that ID must match a WBS element ID that already exists in Deltek CRM. If it does not, the WBS element is not imported, and an error message displays.

Project Type

Size: 10 characters

Type: Varchar

Project type code. If the project type code does not match an existing project type code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the project type code, and a warning displays.

Charge Type

Size: See notes.

Type: Varchar

Charge type code. Valid values are R (Regular), O (Overhead), or P (Proposal). If the charge type code does not match one of these three codes or if the field is blank, the record is imported with the Regular charge type, and a warning displays.

The charge type for all WBS elements for a project must be the same. If a lower-level element's charge type is different from the charge type assigned to the top level, the import changes it to match the charge type specified for the top level, and a warning displays.

Client Number

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

Client Name

Size: 100 characters

Type: Varchar

Neither Client Number nor Client Name is required. If you specify neither a client number nor a client name, the project is imported without an associated client.

If you use the API to import projects and want to associate a project with a client, you must specify either the client number alone or the client number and the client name. If you import projects from a .CSV file, you can import only a client number, only a client name, or both.

If you specify both a client number and name, the import process checks for an existing client based on the client number. If none exists, you are given the option to add the client and associate it with the project. If the client already exists, the client is automatically associated with the project. In addition, if the name in the .CSV file is different than the current name in Deltek CRM, the name is updated.

If you specify only a client name or only a client number, the import process checks for an existing client based on the name or number. If none exists, you are given the option to add the client and associate it with the project. If the client already exists, the client is automatically associated with the project.

If you import only client names, it is important to always spell the name exactly the same to avoid creating duplicate clients in Deltek CRM.


Size: 100 characters

Type: Varchar

WBS name. If none is specified, the WBS element is imported without a name, and a warning displays.


Size: 30 characters

Type: Varchar

WBS element's owning organization ID.

If your firm sets up organizations in Deltek CRM, each value in the organization field must match an existing organization ID exactly, and that organization ID must be at the lowest level of the organization structure.

If this field contains an ID, that ID must match an organization that already exists in Deltek CRM. If the organization does not exist or if no organization is specified in the .CSV file, the WBS element is imported without an organization, and a warning displays.

Start Date

Type: Datetime

Contract start date for this WBS element.

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process. If not, they are not imported.

If a plan exists for this element but has no plan start date, the import process sets the plan start date to the same date as the contract start date. If a plan start date already exists, however, the import process does not change it. If you do not import a contract start date, the import process sets plan start date to the current date (the date that the project is imported).

End Date

Type: Datetime

Contract end date for this WBS element.

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process. If not, they are not imported.

If a plan exists for this element but has no plan end date, the import process sets the plan end date to the same date as the contract end date. If a plan end date already exists, however, the import process does not change it. If you do not import a contract end date, the import process sets plan end date to the current date (the date that the project is imported).


Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

Project manager's employee number. If the employee number does not match an existing employee number in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the project manager's employee ID, and a warning displays.


Size: See notes.

Type: Varchar

Status code: A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant). Inactive and dormant records are treated the same in Deltek CRM. If the status code does not match one of these three codes or if the field is blank, the record is imported with the Active status, and a warning displays.