Employee Credentials Import Fields

You can import employee credentials data into the Deltek CRM database.

If you need to import updated employee credentials, Deltek recommends that you use the Delete existing records and import option, not the Update duplicate records option.


Field Description/Notes

Employee Number

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar


An employee with a matching employee number must already exist in Deltek CRM.


Size: 10 characters

Type: Varchar

Credential code. If the credential code does not match an existing credential code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the credential code, and a warning displays.

Registration Type

Size: 10 characters

Type: Varchar

Credential type code. If the credential type code does not match an existing credential type code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the credential type code, and a warning displays.

The credential type codes display as headings for employee credentials on the Employee Card dialog box.

Registration Number

Size: 60 characters

Type: Varchar

Credential number.

Country Registered

Size: 2 characters

Type: Varchar

Country code. If the country code does not match an existing country code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the country code, and a warning displays.

If you import a record with a state/province code but no country code, the import process automatically includes the country code associated with the state/province.

State Registered

Size: 2 characters

Type: Varchar

State/province code. If the state/province code does not match an existing state/province code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the state/province code, and a warning displays.

Date Earned

Type: Datetime

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

Date Expires

Type: Datetime

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

Year Earned

Type: Smallint

Year credential earned.


Size: 32 characters

Type: Varchar

This field only applies if you use the API to import data.


Size: See notes.

Type: Smallint

This field only applies if you use the API to import data. Valid values: 0 - 32767.