Integration of Deltek CRM with GovWin IQ
GovWin IQ from Deltek is integrated with Deltek CRM so that you can import opportunities from GovWin IQ into Deltek CRM. Deltek's GovWin IQ helps government contractors win more business by providing a centralized and detailed platform for insight into opportunities at all stages of the contracting lifecycle. GovWin IQ provides comprehensive information surrounding each opportunity to save you critical time hunting for the right contacts, identify opportunities well in advance of public notices, and locate teaming partners.
You can import opportunities from GovWin IQ if your firm has a GovWin IQ account, if the GovWin IQ integration has been implemented, and if you have the necessary credentials to connect to GovWin IQ. Contact your system administrator for details.
- Tracked Opportunities
- Bid Notifications
- Lead Alerts
Implement GovWin IQ Integration
To implement GovWin IQ integration with Deltek CRM, you obtain your GovWin IQ client ID and client secret and enter them in the Integrations & Imports area in the Configuration workspace of Deltek CRM. See Set Up Integration with GovWin IQ for step-by-step instructions.
To verify that the integration is in place, connect to GovWin IQ from
Deltek CRM. Click
on the
Deltek CRM toolbar and click
My Settings. Click
Connect next to
GovWin IQ, enter the email address and password that you use to access GovWin IQ, and click
Use GovWin IQ Integration
To use the integration with GovWin IQ, you must have valid login credentials for GovWin IQ. (If you enter your GovWin IQ login credentials on the My Settings dialog box, you can import opportunities from GovWin IQ to Deltek CRM without having to log in to GovWin IQ.)
Import Opportunities from GovWin IQ
Integration with GovWin IQ enables you to add new opportunities in
Deltek CRM by importing opportunities, with their associated data, from GovWin IQ. To do that, you display the Add Opportunity form in
Deltek CRM, click
Import From GovWin IQ, and search for and select the opportunities to import. If necessary, you can do multiple searches and then import all of the opportunities from those search results with a single import process.
The import process creates each new opportunity in Deltek CRM using the opportunity data in GovWin IQ. It also preserves the association with the opportunity in GovWin IQ. You can click the ID in IQ Record in the summary information on the left side of the Opportunities area to display a tooltip containing the opportunity solicitation date and number and opportunity status in GovWin IQ, and you can also click More in the tooltip to open a new browser tab and display the complete opportunity information in GovWin IQ. Be aware, however, that if you update the data for an opportunity in Deltek CRM or the opportunity information in GovWin IQ is updated, the data for the associated opportunity in the other product is not automatically updated also.
You can import the same opportunity multiple times if, for example, you pursue it more than once with different teams. When you select an opportunity for import that already exists in Deltek CRM, the import process, to avoid creating duplicate opportunities by mistake, asks you to confirm that you want to import the opportunity again.
Initiate the Import from Within GovWin IQ
You can also initiate the import of an opportunity into Deltek CRM while viewing that opportunity in GovWin IQ. Click Add to Deltek CRM in GovWin IQ to display the opportunity information in the Add Opportunity form in Deltek CRM so you can fill in additional data and save the opportunity. Once the data from GovWin IQ is in the Add Opportunity form, the process is the same as when you start the import from within Deltek CRM. (If you are not already logged in to Deltek CRM when you click Add to Deltek CRM, you are prompted for your login credentials before the opportunity data is displayed in the Add Opportunity form.)
Associated Records
- If Allow new records is selected in the Integrations & Imports area of the Configuration workspace, you are given the option to have the import process create some or all of the missing companies. In some cases, you may not want a company created. For example, the company may actually exist already in Deltek CRM but with a slightly different name, or you may not want to import all competitors into the Deltek CRM database.
- If Allow new records is not selected in the Integrations & Imports area, the import process does not create any missing company records. In that case, if they are needed you must manually add them and associate them with the related opportunities.
Similarly, if the import process cannot verify, using either the contact GovWin IQ ID or email address, that some contacts associated with the opportunities already exist in the Contacts area of Deltek CRM, you are given the option to create some or all of those contacts if Allow new records is selected in the Integrations & Imports area of the Configuration workspace. If that option is not selected, you must manually add any missing contacts that you want in Deltek CRM.
If the number of companies and contacts that potentially need to be created exceeds 100, the list of individual items is not displayed. Instead, you are given the options to create records for the primary client, for all contacts, and for all competitors. You can select any, all, or none of these three options, but you cannot select individual companies or contacts.
System Field Values
- Award Type
- Competition Type
- Contract Type
An opportunity in GovWin IQ can have multiple values for some of these fields, but in Deltek CRM, each field can have only one value when you import the opportunity. In that case, the field in Deltek CRM is set to the first value from GovWin IQ by default, but all of the values from GovWin IQ are added to the drop-down list for the field so you can select a different value if the default value is not what you want.
Display the Current GovWin IQ Record for an Imported Opportunity
When you import an opportunity into Deltek CRM from GovWin IQ, the GovWin IQ ID displays in the summary area for the opportunity. You can click the ID to display a tooltip containing the opportunity solicitation date and number and opportunity status in GovWin IQ. Click More in the tooltip to open a new browser tab and display the complete opportunity information in GovWin IQ. (The Deltek CRM opportunity information remains available on the original browser tab.) If you are not already logged in to GovWin IQ, the GovWin log-in page displays first.
Keep Deltek CRM Opportunities in Sync with GovWin IQ
You can configure Deltek CRM to update imported opportunities automatically when data for those opportunities change in GovWin IQ. Select Automatically update GovWin IQ Records on the Integrations tab of the Integrations and Imports area of the Configuration workspace, specify a valid GovWin IQ username (email address) and password, and select the time that you want the update process to run. Most often, firms select a time outside of normal business hours for this process to run.
If you use this feature, the update process checks once every 24 hours for changes made to GovWin IQ opportunity records that have been imported into Deltek CRM and makes the same changes to opportunity data in Deltek CRM. Included in the update is information imported from GovWin IQ for related companies and contacts. The update process only updates opportunities with the Active status in Deltek CRM for which changes were made in GovWin IQ since the last time the process ran. (If a GovWin IQ opportunity was imported multiple times, any changes to that opportunity in GovWin IQ are applied to all Deltek CRM opportunities created by those imports.)
- Opportunity name change.
- Opportunity description change.
- Milestone date change.
- Milestone deletion. (However, it does add a new milestone in Deltek CRM if one is added in GovWin IQ.)
If the update process fails, Deltek CRM sends an email alert to the email address that you enter in USERNAME on the Integrations tab in the Configuration workspace. It then attempts two more times to run the process, with two hours between attempts.