General journal entry information:
Accounting date
The date Ajera uses to determine the period for which the journal entry
appears on financial statement
The identifier for the journal entry. It prints on financial reports
A description for the journal entry. It prints on financial reports
Ajera adds the suffix -Reversed
to an auto-reversing journal entry A journal entry consisting of two entries. The first is made in the current accounting period to ensure that accrued revenues and expenses are recorded correctly on financial statements. The second is made with a future date that reverses the effects of the first entry, to prevent duplication when the actual revenues and expenses are entered. Firms often use auto-reversing journal entries at the end and beginning of accounting periods, such as month-end or year-end, to get an accurate view of their monthly or yearly financial status..
Any notes about the journal entry
A journal entry in Ajera automatically reflects both an accrual and
cash accounting basis .
If the accounting basis is currently set to accrual only or cash only,
a message indicating the accounting basis appears at the bottom of the
To change the accounting basis, click the
accounting basis you want. The accounting basis applies to the entire
set of transactions that make up a journal entry.
Transaction details (in the
The account associated with the transaction
If you select an allocated account, a message
appears, confirming that you want to distribute overhead expenses among
specified departments.
Multi-company only. If you select an intercompany account, see Entering journal entries to intercompany accounts.
unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on
If you are using departments, the department associated with the transaction
Debit amount, Credit amount
Depending on the normal balance of the account,
you can enter either a credit or a debit for a transaction. Type the amount
for the transaction in the credit or debit field, as applicable.
Note: |
You cannot enter a negative
value for a transaction. However, if necessary, you can enter a credit
to an account that normally contains a debit, or a debit to an account
that normally contains a credit.
The credit or debit amount that currently
causes the journal entry to be out of balance appears at the bottom of
the table. When you finish entering all your transactions, In
Balance appears to indicate that your entry is in balance.
Multi-company only. The company associated with the transaction
Any notes about the transaction in the journal entry - These notes print
on the GL Entry inquiry when you add the Notes column to the inquiry.
Any attachments
related to the item
You can click the attachments
icon in the table to add, change,
or open attachments.
The column displays if there are
no attachments, and if there are attachments.