Merge a Metric Template Library into an Existing Workbook

Use the Metrics tab Open menu option to merge a metric template into an existing workbook.

To merge a metric template library into an existing workbook:

  1. Open the workbook into which you want to merge the metric template library.
  2. On the Metrics tab, in the Import menu group, click Open.
  3. In the File Open dialog box, select the metric template that you want to merge.
    When you import a metric template library, Acumen performs the following actions:
    • Merges metrics based on the metric GUID (globally unique identifier). Imported metric definitions replace existing definitions if the metric already exists in Acumen.
    • Adds metrics that don't already exist in the current metric library.
    • Leaves existing metrics if they don't have an imported equivalent.
    • Merges variables, project variables, and calculated fields based on the name of the item.
    • Adds variables, project variables, and calculated fields that are in the file being imported that are not in the current metric library.
    • Leaves current values for project variables unchanged after the merge. Project variable descriptions will be updated by the import.
    • Updates variables (workbook variables) based on imported values.