Calibrate the Schedule

See the impact of an activity taking more or less time than planned.

To calibrate the schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the S1 // Projects tab.
  2. Set up your project view to apply acceleration or deceleration to activity groups.
  3. Create a scenario for calibration.
  4. (Optional) In the Activities group, click the Activity View down-arrow, click Grouping, and then use the display level slider to roll up or expand the project schedule.
  5. Use the Activity view Calibration column sliders to move durations.
    For Example:
    • To see the impact of the selected activity taking less time than planned, set it to Light Green (Requires Less Time).
    • To see the impact of the selected activity taking more time than planned, set it to Orange (Requires More Time).

    The Gantt chart adjusts to the new setting and the finish dates of that activity and any successor activities change.