Primary, Secondary, and Tripwire Formula Tabs (Metrics Form)
Use the fields on these tabs to set up the primary, secondary, and tripwire formulas for the metric. Enable the fields on the Secondary and Tripwire tabs by selecting the check box next to the tab label.
- Primary Formula — This is the formula used to calculate the primary result calculated in an Acumen analysis.
- Secondary Formula — (Optional) This is usually used to show the metric as a percentage.
- Tripwire Formula — (Optional) This is used to determine the individual exceptions that are listed in the Activity Browser.
- Tripwire Threshold — This is used to graphically show when a defined threshold is exceeded.
Use these top-level filters to exclude specific activities based on type, status, and time period.
Field | Description |
Copy from Primary Formula | This button displays on both the Secondary Formula and Tripwire tabs. Click to copy the Inclusion settings from the Primary Formula tab to the current tab. |
Activity Status | Select the activity status: Planned, In Progress, Complete. |
Activity Type | Select the activity type: Normal, Milestone, Summary, Level of Effort. |
Time Phase | This setting indicates the phase in which the Phase Analyzer will count the activity.
Prorating |
Prorating affects how the Phase Analyzer views the activities.
When you apply a metric filter to the matrix, Acumen doesn't prorate the filtered values when the data is analyzed. If you apply both a metric filter and formula, prorating will apply to the formula values but not the filter values. See Prorating Metrics for more information and an example. Tip: If you apply prorating on the Primary Formula tab, Deltek recommends that you also apply it on the Secondary Formula tab (if you are using a secondary formula).
You can create a filter-based metric that doesn't require a detailed formula definition, or use it in conjunction with the Formula area below.
Use this area to define a metric using a detailed formula. You can also use the Variables Form, Project Variables Form, and Calculated Fields Form to create variable values and fields that you can use in this formula area.
Field | Description |
Basic | Click this radio button if you want to create a filter-based metric that doesn't require a detailed formula definition. When this is selected, the Formula area is disabled. |
Advanced | Click this radio button if you want to use detailed formulas to define the metric beyond a simple filter. This mode enables you to manually create inclusions, filters, and advanced functions that together return the required set of activities.
If the required secondary formula is not a simple percentage of the primary formula, then set the mode on the Secondary Formula tab to Advanced and define the inclusions, filters and advanced formula manually. |
Percentage of Primary Formula |
This radio button only displays on the Secondary Formula tab. If the secondary formula represents a percentage of the primary formula, then you don't need to create complex formulas. Instead, select the relevant inclusions and filters (in order to define the population against which you are going to divide the primary formula in order to calculate the percentage) and then set the mode to Percentage of Primary Formula. A simple percentage secondary formula can be auto-calculated in this mode irrespective of whether the primary formula has been defined in basic or advanced mode. |
Auto Calculated by Primary Formula |
This radio button only displays on the Tripwire Formula tab. If the primary formula was created using the basic mode, you can opt to automatically create the tripwire formula without defining any inclusions, filters, or formulas for the tripwire definition. Instead, Acumen will automatically create a tripwire formula based on the inclusions and filters defined in the primary formula. When this option is selected, the tripwire inclusions and filters options are disabled because they are automatically inherited from the primary inclusions and filters. This mode can only be used if the primary formula was created in Basic mode. If you use an advanced formula on the Primary Formula tab, this option is disabled. |
Formula | Use this area to add or edit a formula for the metric. Metric formulas are defined using standard MS Excel-based formula syntax. Primary and secondary formulas get applied to groupings of activities (depending on the ribbon, phase, or intersection context) whereas tripwire formulas get applied to each activity separately. |
Formula Format | Select the format in which you want the formula to display, for example, Currency. This field only displays on the Primary and Secondary Formula tabs. |
Check Formula Button | Click this button to validate the syntax of the formula when creating or editing a metric formula. The test calculation is applied to all activities within the workbook. |
Insert Fields Button | Click this button to add fields and field values to the formula. When creating metric formulas, you can reference the following types of fields:
The dialog box includes three tabs:
For more information about these fields, see Types of Acumen Fields and Variables. |