Report Server Tab of Weblink Utility

Use the Report Server tab to specify report server connection information.


Field Description
Server URL Enter the URL of the SSRS report server.
Windows Username Enter the Windows username that will be used to access the report server Web service.
Windows Password Enter the password for the Windows username.
Server Name Enter the server name. This field is only used to access the report server database catalog.
Database Name Enter the name of the report server database used for the report server URL configured above.
Windows Authentication

Select this option to use the Windows Username and Windows Password to access the Report Server database.

This user account must have been created as a valid user account in SQL Server and must have the appropriate rights to the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases as well as the Vision transaction database.

If this box is selected, then the Database Username and Database Password fields are disabled. The Windows username and password will be used instead.

If this box is not selected, then you must specify a Database Username and Database Password to use.

Database Username Enter the username that will be used to access this Report Server database.
Database Password Enter the password for the database username.
Report Root Folder Enter the name of the root folder where all Vision reports are installed.
Save Select this option to save your changes.
Test Click this option to test the connection for the Database Connection (Vision, not Report Server) and Report Server Configuration.
Change Password Select this option to change your Weblink password.
Help Select this option to access online Help related to the Weblink utility.