Timesheet Line Item Approval Form

Use the Timesheet Line Item Approval form to review and then approve or reject individual labor charges for their projects. The form lists the projects for which you are the principal, project manager, and/or supervisor.

Timesheet line item approval only applies to timesheet entries made using the Time & Expense application. Your system administrator determines which projects require line item approval and who can approve line item labor charges.

A project displays on the form if line item approval is required for labor charges to the project and time was charged to the project.

Sort Information

You can sort information in the Project List by project number or name; phase number or name; or task number or name. You can sort information in the Approval grid by status, employee number or name, date, labor code, hours, labor category, or comments. To sort information, click the appropriate column heading in the Project List or Approval grid. For example, to sort the Project List by project name, click the Project Name column heading.

You can sort information in ascending or descending order. Click a column heading to establish a sort order. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time and Expense > Timesheet Line Approval.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Save Click this option to save changes to the Timesheet Line Item Approval form.

After you click this option, select one of the following:

  • Click Print Timesheet Line Item Approval Report to print the Timesheet Line Item Approval report, without previewing the report.

    If your firm uses the Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision, this option is not available.

  • Click Preview Timesheet Line Item Approval Report to preview the Timesheet Line Item Approved report in the preview page.

Help Click this option to view online help for Timesheet Line Item Approval.

Project Grid

Field Description
Project This column displays the project number. Click a project to display the associated labor charges in the Approval grid. Labor charges display only for Submitted or Approved timesheets.
Name This column displays the project name.
Phase This column displays the phase number.
Name This column displays the phase name.
Task This column displays the task number.
Name This column displays the task name.

Approval Grid

Field Description

This field displays the current status of the line item:

  • Unapproved — No action has been taken on the line item.

  • Approved — The line item has been approved.

  • Rejected — The line item has been rejected.

Values in the Status field are updated as you approve and/or reject line items. In addition, you can use the drop-down list in this field to change the status of any line item in the grid.

Employee This field displays the employee number of the employee who charged time to the project/phase/task.
Employee Name

This field displays the name (Last, First) of the employee who charged time to the project/phase/task.

Click in this field to send the employee an instant message or email.

Date This field displays the date for which hours are charged to the project/phase/task. The date represents the day that the employee actually worked on the project.
Labor Code This field displays the labor code used to charge time to the project/phase/task.
Reg Hours This field displays the regular hours charged to the project/phase/task.
Ovt Hours

This field displays the standard overtime hours (if any) charged to the project/phase/task.

Your company can establish two different rates for overtime hours, regular overtime (Ovt) or secondary overtime (Ovt-2).

Ovt-2 Hours

This field displays the secondary overtime hours (if any) charged to the project/phase/task.

Your company can establish two different rates for overtime hours, regular overtime (Ovt) or secondary overtime (Ovt-2).

Labor Category This field displays the labor category used to charge time to the project/phase/task.
Comments This field displays any comments entered on the employee's timesheet for the line item labor charge. Enter additional information about the client's role on this project, as needed. Click Edit to use the Vision Text Editor to enter information.
Totals The display fields at the bottom of the Timesheet Line Item Approval form show the total Reg, Ovt, and Ovt-2 hours charged to the selected project/phase/task.

Grid Options

Field Description
Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Approve To approve a line item, click the item in the grid and then click this option. The status changes to Approved.
Reset To reset a line item, click the item in the grid and then click this option. The status changes to Unapproved.
Reject To reject a line item, click the item in the grid and then click this option. The status changes to Rejected.
Approve All To approve all the line items in the grid, click this option. The status of all the items change to Approved.
Reset All To reset all the line items in the grid, click this option. The status of all the items changes to Unapproved.
Reject All To reject all the line items in the grid, click this option. The status of all the items change to Rejected.