Expense Report Line Item Approval Report

The Expense Report Line Item Approval report displays details of the expense line items for your projects, along with the current approval status of each line item. Line item details display on the report for each project/phase/task combination. Individual employees and their line item entries display under the appropriate project/phase/task combination.

Expense Report line item details always display at the lowest level of your project Work Breakdown Structure.


Report Columns

Column Description


This column displays the current approval status for each expense line item:

  • Unapproved

  • Approved by [Employee Number]

  • Rejected by [Employee Number]


This column displays the date that the employee incurred the expense.


This column displays the expense category used to enter the expense line item.


This column displays the monetary amount of the expense line item.


This column displays a description of the expense line item, as entered on the employee's expense report.


This column indicates whether the expense line item is a billable expense (an expense whose cost is billed to the client) or a non-billable expense.

Report Sections

Section Description

Project, Phase, Task

Line item details display on the report for each project/phase/task combination.


Individual employees and their line item entries display under the appropriate project/phase/task combination.


The Status column for each line item displays the current approval status of the line item (Not Approved, Approved, Rejected).

If a line item has been approved or rejected, the employee number of the Approver/Rejector also displays in this column; for example, Approved by 0001 or Rejected by 0001.


The report displays subtotals of the expense amounts entered for each employee, task, phase, and project.

Approved/Rejected Subtotals

The report displays subtotals of the expense amounts that are Approved, Rejected, and Unapproved for each task, phase, and project.