If the
Favorites Organizing security setting for your role is
Save for All Roles, you can save favorites for your own use, save role-specific favorites to be shared with co-workers who are assigned your security role, and save global favorites to be shared with all Reporting users.
To create a favorite, complete the following steps:
From the
Vision Navigation menu, click
Reporting and click the type of report.
Select the report for which you want to create a favorite version.
Display the Options dialog box for the report, and select the options that you want.
Click the
Selection column in the Reports grid, click
, and specify the criteria for selecting data for the report.
Organize Favorites on the Reports grid.
In the
Favorite Name field on the Organize Favorite Report dialog box, enter a name for your favorite.
Clear the
Save as a personal favorite option.
Select the
Access to all roles option.