Line Items Grid Tab of Purchase Orders

Use the Line Items tab to enter and edit the line items that make up a purchase order or change order.

Before you can submit a purchase order, it must have at least one line item in this grid.

To use a change order, you enter a new row of data to change the original data in a purchase order. You cannot edit the data in the original purchase order. This process keeps an audit trail of all of the changes that are made to a purchase order.

When the Inventory feature is enabled, this grid displays additional fields.


Line Items Grid Toolbar

Field Description
View Detail Click this option to open the Purchase Order Line Detail dialog box and change or view other information for the purchase order and line item. The dialog box contains information entered on other tabs of the Purchase Orders form.

Another way to open this dialog box is to select a row in the grid, and double-click the first cell in the row. It is the cell before the first field in the grid.

Insert Click this option to add a new line item for a purchase order. You cannot insert line items for approved or final printed purchase orders. Use a change order to modify approved or final printed purchase orders.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option to copy it.
Delete To delete a line item for an in-progress purchase order, select the line item in the grid and click this option. The item is immediately deleted from the grid.

For audit trail purposes, you cannot delete line items for purchase orders that are final printed or approved.

As an alternative, select the row to reverse, then click Copy to add a copy of the selected row. Change the quantity and net amount in the new row to be negative.

Line Items Grid Fields

Field Description
C/O If a line item is for a change order, this field displays the change order number for the line item after you save the change order. Change order numbers are assigned automatically, starting with number 1 for the first change order entered, number 2 for the next change order entered, and so on. This field is blank for purchase order line items.
Seq This field prefills with the sequence number of a line item in a purchase order or change order.

For example, when you enter a purchase order, the Seq field prefills with 1 for the first line item that you enter, 2 for the second line item that you enter, and so on. Likewise, when you enter a change order, the Seq field prefills with 1 for the first line item of the change order, 2 for the second line item of the change order, and so on.

On the change order that you print, the change order number and sequence number display in the Seq column using the following format:

C/O <change order number> - <seq number>.

Example: Change order number 1 has two change order line items. When you print the change order:
  • The Seq column for the first line item displays C/O 1 - 1.
  • The Seq column for the second line item displays C/O 1 - 2.
Item Click and select an item from the Items lookup to add to the purchase order.

The items available on the lookup are set up in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. If you enter an item that is not already set up in Items Master configuration, and the Items check box is selected in the Automatic Add section of the General tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings, you receive a message that asks if you want to add the item. If you click Yes, the Items Master <New Item> dialog box opens. The new item that you add on the dialog box is added as a new item in Items Master configuration.

Description This column displays the item's description.
Category This field displays the item's category that is entered in Items Master configuration. If the Modify Default Item Category check box is selected in the Miscellaneous section of the General tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings, you can change the category for the item that you entered in the grid. This changes the category only for the line item in the purchase order, not the category that is set up for the item in Items Master configuration.
Unit Price Enter the item's price for the unit of measure that is specified in the U/M field.
Qty Enter the quantity of the item that was ordered.

This column displays the item's usual Unit of Measure, from the General tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.

If this is an inventory item, the available units of measure are the Purchasing units of measure defined on the Inventory tab of either Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master, or Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > System Settings, in the Global U/M Conversion grid.

Net Amount This non-editable column displays the result of the calculation (Qty*Unit Price).
Due Date

This field displays the result of the calculation (Date to Order + Order Days).

Click to select a different date.

Inv This check box displays if the Inventory feature is enabled.

The check box is selected if the Item is an inventory item.

Received This column indicates whether the item has been received through the Receiving application.
Requester When you create a purchase order, you can enter the requester's name. This helps you to keep track of the purchase order.

If the purchase order is created from a requisition or request for price quote, this column displays the data from Requested By on the requisition's or request's General tab.

REQ # This required column is shown if the Requisition/RFQ Number in P.O. option is selected on the General tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.
  • Enter the number for a requisition or price quote request record that is in the Vision database now.
  • The Requisition/RFQ Lookup launched from displays the requisitions and price quote requests that have the status of Approved.
Shipping This field displays when the Inventory feature is enabled, and is active when the Item is an inventory item.

Enter the item's shipping cost. Vision uses this data to recalculate the item's average actual cost.

Tax This field displays when both the Inventory feature and the Tax Auditing feature are enabled, and is active when the Item is an inventory item.

Enter the item's tax amount. Vision uses this data to recalculate the item's average actual cost.

Document This field applies if Vision has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. Click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and upload and associate one or more documents with the purchase order line item.

To view previously uploaded and associated documents, click the icon in this field:

  • An icon with a green check mark displays in this field if there are documents associated with the line item.
  • An icon with a blue arrow displays in this field if there are no documents associated with the line item.
Extra Amount(s) This field displays when the Inventory feature is enabled, and is active when the item is an inventory item.

Enter the item's extra amounts. Vision uses this data to recalculate the item's average actual cost.