General Tab of Request for Price Quote Form

Use the Request for Price Quote form to enter and edit data that identifies a request for price quote and enter line items and their suggested vendors.



Field Description
Request Number This field displays the number that Vision gives to the request.
Date This field displays today's date. To specify a different date, enter the date or click and select a date.
Requested By This field displays your name. To specify a different employee, click and select the name from the Employee Lookup.
Status This field is displays the status of the request for price quote.
The possible statuses are:
Status Using an Approval Workflow Not Using an Approval Workflow Description
In Progress The status is In Progress after you save a request for price quote and before you submit it. The behavior is the same as when you use an approval workflow. When a request for price quote is in progress, the next step is to submit it.

While the status is In Progress, you can delete, submit, or print the request for price quote.

Submitted The status is Submitted:
  • After you click Submit on the Request for Price Quotes form.
  • While each of the steps in the approval process is waiting to be approved.
  • After each step is approved except the last step.
The Submit status is not used. When you use an approval workflow:
  • Submitting a request for price quote starts the approval process.
  • When the status is Submitted, you can perform any of the approval actions on the toolbar or print the request for price quote.
Approved The status changes to Approved when all the steps of the approval process have been approved for a request for price quote.

You click Approvals > Approve on the Request for Price Quotes toolbar to approve each step.

The status changes to Approved when you click Submit on the Request for Price Quotes form.
When a request for price quote has an Approved status, it:
  • Cannot be edited or deleted.
  • Can be printed and closed.
  • Can be used to create a purchase order.

The status changes to Rejected when you click Approvals > Reject on the Request for Price Quotes form for any step in the approval process.

Based on the configured approval workflow for the Request for Price Quotes application, a rejected request for price quote could be automatically:
  • Canceled. The status remains Rejected and the State changes to Cancelled.
  • Sent back to the employee who submitted it. The status is changed to In Progress.
The status changes to Rejected when you click Reject on the Request for Price Quotes form.
With a Rejected status, a request for price quote:
  • Can be edited by the person who created it or the buyers who are entered on the Buyer tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings with the Edit ALL RFQ check box selected.

    After a rejected request for price quote is edited and saved, its status changes to In Progress, and it can be submitted again.

  • Can be deleted or closed by the person who created it or by the buyers who can edit all request for price quotes.
When a request for price quote has a Rejected status, it cannot be used to create a purchase order.
Closed If this check box is selected, the request for price quote is Closed.

To close a request for price quote, click on the toolbar.

Currency Code From the list of currencies that are available for use by your company, select the currency to use as the transaction currency for this request for price quote.
State This field is displayed only when an approval workflow is used for approving request for price quotes. This field displays the current state of the approval process for the request for price quote based on the configured approval workflow for request for price quotes.
The possible states are:
  • Start
  • In Approval
  • In Review
  • Completed
Step This field is displayed only when an approval workflow is used for approving request for request for price quotes. This field displays the current step (1, 2, 3, and so on) of the approval process, based on the steps that are set up for the request for price quote approval workflow in Approvals Configuration. Step 0 is logged with a new request for price quote is created but not yet submitted.

Items Grid

Use the Items grid to enter and edit line items for the request for price quote. Before you can submit it for approval, a request for price quote must have at least one line item in this grid.

Items Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

View Detail Click this option to open the Line Detail dialog box for the item that you selected in the Items grid and view more information about the line item.
Insert Click this option to add a new row to the grid.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option to copy it.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option to delete it.

Items Grid

Field Description
Item Enter an item number or click and select an item from the Items lookup.

The items in the lookup are set up in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. If you enter an item that is not already set up in Items Master configuration, and the Items check box is selected in the Automatic Add section of the General tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings, you receive a message that asks if you want to add the item. If you click Yes, the Items Master <New Item> dialog box opens. The new item that you add in the dialog box is added as a new item in Items Master configuration.

Description This column displays the item's Description if you selected the item from the Items lookup.
Category This field displays the item's category that is entered in Items Master configuration. If the Modify Default Item Category check box is selected in the Miscellaneous section of the General tab in Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings, you can change the category for the item that you entered in the grid. This changes the category only for the line item in the request for price quote, not the category that is set up for the item in Items Master configuration.
Qty Enter the item quantity. If the item is Type is Service, enter the hours.
U/M Select the item's unit of measure.

If this is an inventory item, the list displays all of the purchasing units of measure from the Inventory tab of either Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master, or Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > System Settings, in the Global U/M Conversion grid.

Due Date This field displays the delivery deadline for this item. It is calculated as (Date + Request Days).

Click to select a different date.

Inv This check box is selected if the Item is an inventory item.
Document This field applies if Vision has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. Click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and upload and associate one or more documents with the request for price quote line item.

To view previously uploaded and associated documents, click the icon in this field:

  • An icon with a green check mark displays in this field if there are documents associated with the line item.
  • An icon with a blue arrow displays in this field if there are no documents associated with the line item.

Suggested Vendors Grid

Select a line item in the Items grid, and then enter or edit the vendors from whom you are requesting a price quote in the Suggested Vendors grid. The contents of the Suggested Vendors grid apply for the line item that you have selected in the Items grid.

To add the data from the Purchase Requisitions fields to the Request for Price Quote report, select the Include from PR option on the report option dialog box.

Suggested Vendors Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Response Click this option to open the Vendor Response dialog box, and enter information about a vendor's response to your request for price quote.
Lookup/Insert Click this option to add a new row and open the Vendor Lookup. After you select a vendor, you receive a message that asks if you want to relate the vendor to the other items in this request for price quote.
Insert Click this option to add a new row to the grid.
Delete Click this option to delete the selected row.

Suggested Vendors Grid Fields

Field Description
Select Select this check box to change this from a request for price quote to a purchase order for this vendor.
Vendor Enter the vendor number or click and select a vendor from the list of active vendors.

If you use Multicompany, the vendor records available are those that have accounting set up for the active company.

Address This field displays the selected vendor's primary address.
Vendor's Item # This field displays the vendor's item number, if the selected vendor is shown on the Vendors tab of Configuration > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.
Response Price Enter the vendor's response price.

If you use Multicurrency, enter this amount using the transaction currency of the related request for price quote.

U/M This field displays the unit of measure from the request for price quote. If necessary, select a different unit of measure.
Response Date Enter the date of the vendor's response.
Response Person Enter the name of the vendor who gave this response to the request for price quote.
Printed If this option is selected, this item was on the Request for Price Quote form before, when you printed it to send to the vendor. The next time that the Request for Price Quote form is printed for this request for price quote, this item is not displayed.
Document This field applies if Vision has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. Click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and upload and associate one or more documents, such as a bid from the suggested vendor. You can also view previously uploaded and associated documents by clicking this icon. An icon with a blue arrow displays in this field if there are no documents associated with the suggested vendor. An icon with a green check mark displays in this field if there are documents associated with the suggested vendor.