Project Invoice and Receipt History Form

Use the Project Invoice and Receipt History form to enter information about invoices and receipts that your projects generated before the installation cutoff date.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > History Loading > Invoice and Receipt.


Header Information

Field Description
Project Select the project for which to enter historical data.
Phase This field displays phase information if the project has associated phases entered in the Project Info Center.
Task This field displays task information if the project has associated phases and tasks entered in the Project Info Center.
Unbilled Revenue Enter the amount of unbilled revenue for this project and task (if any). This field is available for those clients who use the Revenue Generation feature.
Billing Currency

If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the three-character code for the currency used to generate invoices and billing reports for a specific project and all its phases and tasks. For each individual project, you define the billing currency at the top level of its work breakdown structure and the billing currency applies to any and all lower levels (for example, phases/tasks) of the project's WBS.

Note that project and billing currencies do not need to be the same. Your company can plan and manage a project in one currency, and invoice the client in another currency.

Functional Currency

If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the three-character code for the currency of the primary economic environment in which a company operates. Normally, this is the currency in which cash is generated and expended by the company.

For example, a company located in France would normally use the euro as its functional or "home" currency. Amounts on General Ledger reports display using your company's functional currency.

Project Currency

If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the three-character code for the currency in which a project is managed, which may be different from the functional currency of the project's home company.

For each project, you define the project currency at the top level of its work breakdown structure and the project currency applies to any and all lower levels (phases/tasks) of the project's WBS. When labor or expense charges are made to a project, the charges are recorded in the project currency, as well as all other appropriate currencies.

Grid Options

Field Description
Insert To insert a new row, click this option.
Copy To copy a row, select the row that contains the entry that you want to copy and click this option. Modify the entry as necessary and save the new entry.
Delete To delete the entry from the grid, select the row containing the entry that you want to delete and click this option.

Invoice Balances Grid

Field Description
Invoice This field displays each invoice listed in the Invoices section after subtracting any payment entered in the Receipts section.
Date This field displays the date that you entered for the invoice in the Invoices section.
Balance This field displays the balance of the invoice after subtracting any payment entered for the invoice in the Receipts section.
Billing Currency Balance If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the balance of the invoice (after subtracting any payments entered for the invoice), expressed in the billing currency of the project.
Functional Currency Balance If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the balance of the invoice (after subtracting any payments entered for the invoice), expressed in the functional currency of the company that owns the project, via organization structure.
Project Currency Balance If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the balance of the invoice (after subtracting any payments entered for the invoice), expressed in the project currency.
Total This field displays the total outstanding balance for this project.

Invoices Grid

Field Description

Enter the invoice number for which to enter historical data.

Each project can have more than one invoice. Be careful to enter the invoice number correctly. If you enter a project number and invoice number more than once, Vision adds the amounts together in the Invoice Balances section.

Date Enter either the date on which the invoice was created or the date on which you sent the invoice. This date is used by the Aged Accounts Receivable report to decide how long an invoice has been outstanding.
Ret/Int Only

If you are entering a historical retainage or interest amount, this field is required. Click the drop-down arrow in this field and select one of the following options:

  • None — If you want to enter a regular invoice amount for the fee, labor, consultant, expense, unit, add-on, or tax section of the invoice, select this option or leave this field blank.

  • Retainage — If you are entering a retainage amount for the historical invoice, select this option.

  • Interest — If you are entering an interest amount for the historical invoice, select this option. When you select this option, the entry in the Section column defaults to I to indicate that this amount will apply to the interest section of the invoice. You may enter an account to which to charge the interest.

Account Enter the account to which this invoice amount applies.
Billing Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the invoice amount, expressed in the billing currency of the project.
Functional Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the invoice amount, expressed in the functional currency of the company that owns the project, via organization structure.
Project Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the invoice amount, expressed in the project currency.
Amount Enter the amount of the invoice.
Section Specify the section of the invoice that is affected by this transaction (for example, the column of the invoice where the update appears).
Total This field displays the total amount of all invoices for this project.

Receipts Grid

Field Description
Invoice Enter the invoice against which this receipt is applied.
Date Enter either the date on the receipt or the date on which your firm received the receipt.
Account Enter the accounts receivable account to which this amount applies.
Billing Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the amount of the receipt in the billing currency of the project.
Functional Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the receipt amount in the functional currency of the company that owns the project, via the organization structure.
Project Currency Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the receipt amount in the project currency.
Amount Enter the amount of the receipt. Vision subtracts the amount that you enter in this field from the amount that appears in the Total field in the Invoice Balances section.
Total This field displays the total for all cash receipts entered for this project and task (if any).