General Tab of Employee Info Center

Use the General tab to enter, edit, or review an employee’s profile information, including employee name, ID number, title, and phone numbers.


Field Description
Employee Enter the employee's unique identification number.

If you configure Vision to use the automatic numbering feature, you cannot enter a number in this field. Instead, [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field.

You establish the length and format of your employee numbers when you install Vision. To change the length or format of your employee numbers, use the Key Conversions or Key Formats utilities.

This field is active only when you click New to add a new employee record to your database. You cannot use this field to change an employee number after you have created an employee record.

Vendor/Client When you select this option, the name of the Organization field changes to Vendor/Client and includes a drop-down list where you can specify the type of relationship for the employee record.

This option displays if you use Vision CRM.

If you also use Proposals, select this option to make the employee record available for use on proposals.

Talent Management User ID This field displays when Vision is integrated with the Talent Management application. Talent Management assigns a value for this field when a new employee record is created and then sent to Vision. For employee records created in Vision, this field gets populated after a data run, where Vision sends the employee record to Talent Management and Talent Management sends back the record to Vision.
Prefix Use the drop-down list in this field to select a prefix to use with the employee's name. You define prefix options in Code Table Configuration.
First Name Enter the employee's first name. When you enter the employee's first name, Vision searches your database to look for duplicate records.
Middle Name Enter the employee's middle name or initial.
Last Name Enter the employee's last name. When you enter the employee's last name in this field, Vision searches your database to look for duplicate records.
Suffix Use the drop-down list in this field to select a suffix to use with the employee's name. You define suffix options in Code Table Configuration.
Preferred Name Enter the employee's preferred name.
Title Use this drop-down list to select the employee's job title or job function. You can select a title from the drop-down list in this field. However, if the contact has a title not included in the list, you can enter the title directly in this field. You define employee title options in Code Table Configuration.
Organization Enter the organization for which the employee works. Organizations are discrete business units within your company. Enter the organization directly in this field, click Search and select an organization from the lookup.

If you select the Vendor/Client option to indicate that the employee is a vendor or client, the name of this field changes to Vendor/Client and includes a drop-down list where you can specify the type of employee for the record. You can then use this field to enter the name of the vendor or consultant firm. Enter the vendor or client name, click Search and select a vendor or client from the lookup.

If you use Multicompany, the organization code that you specify here indicates the home company for the employee. The home company is the company that manages the employee's timesheet and expense report processes and is responsible for paying the employee.

If you use Multicurrency, Vision displays monetary amounts for each employee in the functional currency of the employee's home company. This is specified by the organization code.

Vendor/Client drop-down list This drop-down list displays if you select the Vendor/Client option. Use this drop-down list to specify if the associated record is a vendor or a client.
Vendor/Client lookup This lookup displays if you select the Vendor/Client option. Use this lookup to select the vendor or client associated with the employee. The contents of this lookup depend on the selection made in the Vendor/Client drop-down list.
Supervisor Enter the name of the employee's supervisor. Enter the name directly in this field, click Search and select a name from the lookup. When you enter an employee name in this field, Vision creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding record.

Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.

Email Enter the employee's email address in this field. After you enter an email address in the Email field, you can click the email address to open your default email application and send an email to the employee. When you enter the employee's email address in this field, Vision searches your database to look for duplicate records.

To edit an employee's email address, right-click the email address and click Edit or click in this field. These actions disable the hyperlink feature and allow you to edit the information in this field.

This option is available if you use Vision CRM and the Available to CRM Users option is selected.

Work Phone Enter the employee's work telephone number. Your system administrator defines the format for phone numbers. You can select a different format.
Ext Enter the extension for the employee's work telephone number.
Mobile Phone Enter the employee's mobile telephone number. Your system administrator defines the format for phone numbers.
Fax Enter the employee's fax number.
Hire Date Enter the employee's hire date.

You can enter a date directly in this field or click Calendar and select a date.

Status Use this drop-down list to select the employee's status. An employee's status determines the validity of certain employee-related transactions in Vision. The status settings are:
  • Active — You can complete any valid transaction that requires an employee number.
  • InactiveVision displays a warning if you try to use the employee number in any transaction that requires an employee number. You must explicitly choose to proceed with the transaction after you receive the warning.
  • TerminatedVision prevents you from using the employee number in any transaction that requires an employee number. However, you can still print reports and W-2 forms for the employee.
Years with Other Firms Enter the number of years the employee worked for other firms.
Prior Years with This Firm Enter the number of years the employee has worked for your firm.
Available to CRM users This option displays if you use both the Vision CRM and Vision Accounting. Select this option to allow CRM users to open and review the employee record. Vision selects this option by default when you add a new employee record. You can select or clear this option at any time.
Available to accounting users This option displays if you use both Vision CRM and Vision Accounting. Select this option to allow Accounting users to open and review the employee record.

This option is selected by default when you add a new employee record. You can select this option at any time. However, you can clear this option only if the Approved for use in Processing option is not selected.

If this option is selected when you save a new employee record, Vision prompts you to enter required information on the Accounting and Time and Expense tabs. You must enter the required information before you can save the record.

Approved for use in processing This option displays if you use Accounting or Project Control. Select this option if the employee record is approved for use when processing accounting transactions.

Vision selects this option by default when an Accounting user adds a new employee record. It is disabled for all other users. If you are an Accounting user, you can select this option at any time. However, you can clear this option only if the employee record was not used in any accounting transactions.

If you select this option when you save a new employee record, you are prompted to enter required information on the Accounting and Time and Expense tabs. You must enter the required information before you can save the record.

If you use Payroll and you do not select this option, Vision excludes the employee from Automatic Payroll Processing runs.

Language This option displays if you use the Multilanguage feature. Select the appropriate language to use when sending workflow and alert messages. This drop-down list contains all languages that are enabled in Module Activation. The options that display depend on the language of the current use. For example, if English is selected, the drop-down values display in the English language.