General Tab of Client Info Center

Use the General tab to enter, edit, or review a client's name and address information, Internet Web site address, important notes, and client type and status information.


Field Description
User Defined Currency Use this drop-down list to select a currency code for this client record. This field displays if you use the Multicurrency feature and you have at least one custom currency field in the Client Info Center.
Number Enter a unique number for the client. You establish the length and format of your client numbers when you install Vision. This field becomes active when you click New to add a new client record to your database. You cannot use this field to change a client number after you create a client record.

If you configure Vision to use the automatic numbering feature, you cannot enter a number in this field. Instead, [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field.

Market Use this drop-down list to select a market that classifies the client. You can group clients by market (type) when running reports. You define client market (type) options in Code Table Configuration. Contact your system administrator to add values to this list.
Name Enter the name of the firm for which you are performing work. To specify an alias for the client, click Ellipses.
Client Aliases The alias fields display when you click Ellipses in the Name field. Click this option to display the Client Aliases dialog box.
Status Use this drop-down list to select a status, such as active or inactive, for your current relationship with the client.
Client If you use the Client Info Center to track clients and vendors for marketing purposes, select this option to specify that this firm is a client.

Client lookups that are used for accounting purposes include client records for which this option is selected. The following fields are used for accounting purposes:

  • The Primary Client field on a project or opportunity
  • The Client field on a plan
  • The Billing Client field on a project
  • The Invoice Review feature
  • Accounts Receivable Reporting

If you work with a firm as both a client and vendor (for example, sometimes this firm is a sub-consultant for you, and other times you are a sub-consultant for them), then you can select both the Client and Vendor options.

If this firm is neither a client or vendor, then you can clear both options.

Vendor If you use the Client Info Center to track clients and vendors for marketing purposes, select this option to specify that this firm is a vendor.

When you select this option, you can link the firm to a record in the Vendor Info Center. The fields on the Additional Info tab are then synchronized to the corresponding fields in the Vendor Info Center.

If you work with a firm as both a client and vendor (for example, sometimes this firm is a sub-consultant for you, and other times you are a sub-consultant for them), then you can select both the Client and Vendor options.

If this firm is neither a client or vendor, then you can clear both options.

Linked Vendor When you select the Vendor option, Vision displays a Vendor lookup, which you can use to select the vendor record to link to the current client record. When you link a vendor to a client, it creates a one-to-one relationship between the two records. Because of this relationship, changes you make to certain fields within one area update the other.
Parent Enter the name of the client associated as the parent to the current client record.
Relationship Use this drop-down list to select your relationship, such as Existing or Prospect, with the client. You define client relationship options in Code Table Configuration.
Addresses Use this drop-down list to display a list of all the addresses associated with the client. The list is arranged in descending order, based on the entry in the Description field for each address. Select an item from the list to display the associated address information. Vision displays the selected address in the Address fields on the General tab.

If you attempt to delete a client's address, Vision prompts you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to confirm the delete. This also removes the client address on the associated project.

Primary Select this option to designate the current address as the primary address for the client. You can designate only one address as Primary. However, you can change the Primary address designation at any time.

This address displays on client reports.

Default Billing Select this option to designate the current address as the default billing address for the client. Only users with the role type Accounting can designate an address as Default Billing address.

You can designate only one address as the Default Billing address. However, you can change the Default Billing address designation at any time.

This address displays on client invoices.

Accounting Only Select this option to make a client address non-editable for non-Accounting users.
Description Enter a description for the address. The description that you enter in this field is added to the drop-down list in the Addresses field.

When you add a new client record, <Default> displays in this field. You can change this description at any time.

Only users with the role type Accounting can change the address designated as the Default Billing address.

Address 1, 2, 3, 4 Enter the client's address.
City Enter the city for the client's address.
State/Province Use this drop-down list to select the state or province for the client's address.
Zip/Postcode Enter the ZIP or postal code for the client's address
Country Use this drop-down list to select the country for the client's address.
Phone Enter the client's phone number. Your system administrator defines the format for the phone number entry.
Fax Enter the client's fax number. Your system administrator defines the format for the phone number entry.
Tax Reg. # This field displays when you select the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

Enter the client's tax registration number. This is the number that is assigned by each country and used for tax reporting.

Tax Country This field displays only when you select the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

This field prefills with the tax country code that is entered on the Tax Auditing tab in Accounting Company Settings Configuration. Use this drop-down list to select a different tax country code for the client.

Because a client may have multiple addresses, each address may have its own tax country code.

Validate Tax Registration This button displays when these Configuration options are selected in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings:
  • Enable Tax Auditing
  • Enable Validation of European Tax Registration Numbers for Clients and Vendors

This button is enabled when you enter a number in the Tax Reg. # field. When you click this button, Vision uses an API to validate the client's tax registration number with the Belgian VAT Desk. If valid, you can proceed with saving the record. If invalid, Vision displays an error message alerting you of the issue.

Add Address Click this button to add an address to a client record and to display a set of blank address fields on the General tab. Use these blank fields to enter address information for a different client office or location. You can enter multiple addresses for each client record in the Client Info Center.

You also click the Add Address button to validate the entry in the Tax Reg. # field. When validated, Vision automatically saves the record. If Vision cannot validate the entry, the record is not saved and an error message displays. You must enter a valid number in the Tax Reg. # field before you can save the record.

Delete Address Click this button to delete an address from a client record and to delete the address currently selected in the Addresses field.
Only users with the role type Accounting can delete the address designated as the Default Billing address.
Web Site Enter the client's Internet Web site address.

To edit a client's Internet Web site address, right-click the Internet Web site address and select Edit or click Edit. These actions temporarily disable the hyperlink feature and allow you to edit the information in this field.

Click theclient's Internet Web site address to open the Web site in the current browser window. Right-click the client's Internet Web site address and then select Open in new window to open the Web site in a new browser window.

Notes Enter any notes or information related to the client.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Competitor Select this option to indicate that this client acts as a competitor to your own firm.
Government Agency Select this option to indicate that this client is a government agency.
Annual Revenue This field displays the annual revenue of the client.
Employee Count This field displays the number of employees the client has.