Invoice Review Form

Use the Invoice Review form to review information about outstanding invoices.

You can find out which of the projects for a client have outstanding invoices and display data about those invoices, including invoice amounts, aging data, interest, and retainage.

The Aged Accounts Receivable grid on the form lists the project balances, broken out by aging categories for the selected client.

If you use the Multicompany feature and intercompany invoices exist for the current client and are on file, you can preview and print those intercompany invoices from the Invoice Review form. If the projects that you use for intercompany invoices do not have clients, use the Project Review form, rather than the Invoice Review form, to preview and print those intercompany invoices.

If you use the Pre-Invoices feature, pre-invoices do not display on the Invoice Review form.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Invoice Review.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Options Click this option to display the A/R Options dialog box, which you can use to specify the aging columns that display on the Aged Accounts Receivable grid.
A/R Reporting Click this option to display the Accounts Receivable Reporting version of the Options dialog box.
Help Click this option to display the Vision Help system.


Field Description
Client This field displays the name of the client for which you are reviewing invoices.
Address These fields display the client's primary address.
Contact These fields display the client contact and the contact's email address. The contact's name is a link that you can click to display that contact's information in the Contact Info Center. You can also click the email address to create an email message for the contact.
Contact Phone/Fax These fields display the contact's phone and fax numbers.
Status To select invoices for review based on payment status, choose All, Unpaid, or Paid in Full.
Time Frame Select one of the following settings to select invoices for review based on invoice date:
  • Period — When you select this option to display invoices based on period, select invoices for the current period, job to date, year to date in the field to the right of this field.
  • Period Range — When you select this option to display invoices for a range of accounting periods, select the beginning and ending periods in the two fields that display to the right of this field.
  • Date Range — When you select this option to display invoices for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates in the two fields that display to the right of this field.
Refresh Invoice List Click this button to refresh the invoices on the grid.

Aged Accounts Receivable Grid

Use the Accounts Receivable grid to review project invoices, currency codes, aging columns, retainage amounts, and retainer amounts.

Field Description
View Detail This option displays the Invoice Detail dialog box. You can preview the project invoices, print, them, or email them.
Last Receipt This option displays a dialog box listing the date of last receipt for the project, the amount posted for the select project or invoice, and the invoice number.
Comments This option displays the A/R Comments dialog box, which you use to read, add, update, or delete comments about an invoice.
Project This field displays the project number associated with the transaction.
Project Name This field displays the name of the project, as specified on the project record in the Info Center.
Currency Code If you use Multicurrency, this field displays the three-character code, such as USD or EUR, for the currency. This currency may be either the project's project currency or the billing currency, depending on your selection for the Display Using option on the Options dialog box.
Total This field displays the balance of the invoice(s), reduced by any outstanding retainage amounts, since retainage is not considered due at this time.
Aging Columns These are the aging columns established on the Aging Options dialog box. Each column shows the receivables that are a certain number of days overdue.
Interest This field displays the amount of interest posted for past due invoice amounts.
Total Tax This field displays all tax amounts that are still outstanding for a project's invoices. This column displays only outstanding amounts, and not all taxes billed.
Retainage This field displays the retainage amount of the invoice not currently due. You see this column only if the Enable Retainage feature is selected in Configuration (see help for the General tab of Accounting System Settings for more information).
Retainer A retainer is an advance amount collected from a client prior to work beginning on a project. The amount of the retainer is typically stipulated in the client's contract, and is subtracted from the contractually agreed total project billing amount when the project is billed.
Comments A check in this box indicates that comments exist for at least one outstanding invoice for the project listed.

Below the Grid

Field Description
Average age of receivables This displays the average number of days it takes for a client to pay invoices in full. This calculation is based on all paid invoices for a client.


A client has two fully paid invoices:

  • For Invoice 1, you received full payment 22 days after the invoice was issued.
  • For Invoice 2, you received full payment 36 days after the invoice was issued.

Average age of receivables for this client is 29 days (58/2).