Import Text Files

Use the Data Import utility to import text files from outside sources into Vision.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Vision only allows delimited layouts when you import text fields. Fixed layouts are not allowed.
  • You must have the proper security access to access or import certain tables.

To import text files, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Data Import.
  2. In the Table Description field on the Import Utility form, select a table type.

    By default, this field lists only data entry type tables. However, if you have the proper security access, you can also access other types of tables. To do this, hold down CTRL + SHIFT and click on the screen. Vision displays a Password dialog box. Enter your valid password and click OK.

  3. In the From field, select Text File.
  4. In the Input Table Name field, specify the name of the temporary table that stores the validated or error records before they are imported to the final destination in Vision.

    Ensure that the table name does not have spaces or punctuation.

  5. Complete the fields on the Main tab.
  6. Complete the fields on the Text File Fields Mapping tab. This tab is available only if you set the From field to Text File. You can save the settings on this form, so that you can apply them the next time you load a file of the same data type. (You can change the saved settings.)
    • Use the Up, Down, Top, and Bottom buttons to re-order the fields so that the field order matches the order of the fields in your text files.
    • Use the Moved Included Items Up button to move all selected fields to the top of the list of fields.
  7. Click Validate.
  8. On the Import from a Text File dialog box, browse to the text file, ensure that the information is correct, and click OK. Vision verifies the source data and inserts both the valid and error records into the temporary table that you specified on the Main tab.
  9. Correct any records that require correction and click Validate to revalidate them.
  10. If no errors are found:
    • If you are importing entries that do not require batch names, on the Import Utility dialog box, click the Import button.
    • If you are importing data entry transactions that require a batch name, on the "Please specify the batch name to be used for this data entry import" dialog box, enter batch information, and then click the Import button.
    Vision verifies the source data and inserts the records into the final destination in Vision.