Expense Report Overview

Use the Vision Expense Report application to enter your expenses and associate them with specific projects and accounts.

Use the Expense Report application to:

You can create and edit an expense report at any time, using as many rows as you need to record all your expenses. When you have completed an expense report, submit it to a designated administrator for approval.

Your Expense Report access rights (System, Company, Group, or Staff) determine the transactions you can process within the application. Expense Report access rights are assigned by your system administrator.

Your system administrator can configure Vision to notify approvers when expense reports are submitted for processing and/or when expense line item charges are entered/rejected.

Expense Categories

Your system administrator can set up expense categories to use for standard expense entries. These categories have predefined bill by default, billable message, and direct, indirect, and reimbursable account information. You do not have to enter any of these values on your expense report when you enter an expense using an expense category.

To use an expense category, select the category from the drop-down list in the Category field of the Expense Report form.

Line Item Approvals

If your firm uses the Expense Report Line Item Approval feature, principals, project managers, and supervisors can approve or reject individual lines on expense reports. Depending on the configuration options that your system administrator selects, you may not be able to post expense reports with unapproved line items.

Posting Expense Reports

When all of your employees' expense reports for a selected period have been submitted and approved, you are ready to post the expense reports to your Vision database. Use the Vision Transaction Center to post expense reports. Before you post expense reports for a selected labor period, be sure that the data on all submitted/approved expense reports is accurate.

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