Request for Price Quote Form

The Request for Price Quote Form is the form you send to a vendor to ask for an estimated price for a specific item or service. Use the Request for Price Quote Form options to specify formatting and text for your requests. You can preview a request on your computer, adjust the contents or formatting, and then print and mail the form.

Purchasing Templates

You can assign a request for quote template created in the Purchase Template Editor form (Purchasing > Purchase Template Editor) to a vendor on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center.

Vision does the following to select a template when it generates the Request for Price Quote Form:

  1. Vision uses the vendor's template, if one is assigned.

  2. If no template is assigned to the vendor, Vision uses the default template. The default template is a predefined template that comes with Vision.

Vision then applies the formatting settings from the template when it generates the form.

Purchasing Templates and Signature Files

If the purchase template used for the Request for Price Quote Form has an electronic signature file (an image file), and Display Signature on Purchase Footer is selected on the Signature tab of the Purchase Template Editor form, Vision displays the electronic signature on the Signature line of the request.

International Address Formats on Reports

If you set up address formats in the Code Table Maintenance form (Configuration > General > Code Tables) for countries other than the United States, this report uses those international address formats when appropriate.


If you use the Multicompany feature, this report only displays data for the active company.

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