Voucher Ledger
Use the Voucher Ledger to review all transactions related to the vouchers you enter in Vision, including payments, adjustments, and voids.
Leading Zeros in Voucher Numbers
If your firm uses leading zeros in voucher numbers but you do not want to display the zeros on this report, clear the Display voucher number leading zeros option on the Accounts Payable tab of the System AP Configuration form.
Determining the Paid Status of Invoices
Vision only marks an invoice as fully paid if you enter receipts against the correct work breakdown structure level. You specify that level in Project level to check when determining the paid status of invoices on the Accounts Payable tab of the System AP Configuration form).
If you use the Multicompany feature, you enter general vendor information, including vendor names and addresses, at the enterprise level, and all companies share that information. However, you enter accounting information for each vendor individually for each company on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center. This report only displays information for vendors for which Approved for use in processing for company <active company> is selected on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center.
In addition, the report only includes vouchers that were posted from the active company.
Related Topics
- Display the Voucher Ledger
The Voucher Ledger is a vendor report. - Voucher Ledger General Tab
Use the General tab to select report options for the Voucher Ledger report and to save sets of options for reuse. - Voucher Ledger Columns
The Voucher Ledger report contains a standard set of columns. You do not have the option to select columns for this report.