Vendor List Export
Use the Vendor List Export report to download vendor data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file or other file format.
Column | Description |
Vendor Number | This column displays the vendor identifier. |
Vendor Name | This column displays the vendor's name. |
Phone | This column displays the vendor's business phone number. |
Account Number | This column displays the number that identifies your customer account with the vendor. |
Status | This column displays the vendor's status (for example, Active, Inactive, or Dormant). |
Web Site | This column displays the vendor's Web site address. |
Organization | The organization within your company for which this vendor provides goods or services. |
Specialty | This column displays the vendor's business specialty (for example, Printing, Interior Design, or Security Systems). |
Prior Work | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor has done work for your firm in the past. |
Recommended | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor is recommended for future work with your firm. |
Address Description | This column displays the description of the vendor's address (for example, Company Headquarters, Northeast Office, or Distribution Center). |
Address 1 - 4 | This column displays the vendor's street address (street name and number, suite number, post office box number, and so on). |
City | This column displays the city from the vendor's address. |
State | This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the vendor's address. |
Zip | This column displays the zip code for the vendor's address. |
Country | This column displays the country from the vendor's address. |
Fax | This column displays the vendor's fax number. |
Tax Reg. # | This column displays the vendor's tax registration number. |
Tax Country Code | This column displays the tax code for the country in which the vendor is located. |
Default Tax Code | This column displays the vendor's default tax code. |
Disadvantaged Business | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor is a disadvantaged business. This is based on the selections in Minority Status on the Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center. Minority status information may be useful in preparing proposals. |
Small Business | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor is a small business. This is based on the selections in Minority Status on the Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center. Minority status information may be useful in preparing proposals. |
Minority Business | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor is a minority business. This is based on the selections in Minority Status on the Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center. Minority status information may be useful in preparing proposals. |
Woman Owned | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor is a business owned by a woman. This is based on the selections in Minority Status on the Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center. Minority status information may be useful in preparing proposals. |
HBCU | This column contains a Y or N (yes or no) to indicate whether or not the vendor is an historically black college or university (HBCU). This is based on the selections in Minority Status on the Additional Info tab of the Vendor Info Center. Minority status information may be useful in preparing proposals. |
Type | This column displays the vendor type (for example, Trade, Consultant, or Employee). |
Payment Terms | This column displays the default payment terms for vouchers entered for the vendor. Available values are the following:
Regular Account | This column displays the account number that receives the explicit debit entry when you post vouchers for the vendor to a regular project. |
OH Account | This column displays the account number that receives the explicit debit entry when you post vouchers for the vendor to an overhead or promotional project. |
Discount Pct | This column displays the discount percentage available from the vendor when you pay the amount due on a voucher within the discount period. For example, 10.00 in this column indicates a 10% discount. |
Discount Pd | This column displays the discount period. The discount period is the number of days during which the discount is available. |
Discount Code | This column displays the discount code for the vendor (for example, Discounts Applied). |
Paid This Year | This column displays the total amount paid to the vendor in the current calendar year. |
Paid Last Year | This column displays the total amount paid to the vendor in the previous calendar year. |
1099 Req | This column contains Y or N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the vendor should receive a 1099 form at the end of the calendar year. |
EFT Email Remittance | This column contains Y if the vendor should receive a printed copy of the transactions in the EFT file. It contains E if the vendor should receive a copy by email. |
EFT Email | If the vendor should receive an email copy of the transactions in the EFT file, this column contains the email address. |
Separate Checks | This column contains
Y or
N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not you print a separate check for each voucher for the vendor.
If this column contains N, Vision totals all of the vouchers for the vendor that are scheduled for payment and prints one check for the total amount. |
Federal ID | This column displays the 11-digit number that the federal government assigned to the vendor for tax purposes. If the vendor is a consultant, this number is usually the consultant’s Social Security number. You must have a Federal ID number for all vendors who receive Form 1099. Vision prints the federal ID on Form 1099. |
Create User | This column displays the user ID of the person who created the vendor record in the Vendor Info Center. |
Create Date | This column displays the date on which the vendor record was created. |
Modify User | This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the vendor record. |
Modify Date | This column displays the date on which the vendor record was most recently modified. |
Address Create User | This column displays the user ID of the person who created the address in the vendor record. |
Address Create Date | This column displays the date on which the address in the vendor record was created. |
Address Modify User | This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the address in the vendor record. |
Address Modify Date | This column displays the date on which the address in the vendor record was most recently modified. |
Specialty Description | This column displays the description of the vendor's business specialty. |
Memo | This column displays the notes entered for the vendor record. |
Parent topic: Data Export Reports Overview