Opportunity Hit Rate List

Use the Opportunity Hit Rate List to review the "hit rate" for opportunities. The hit rate is the rate at which the company converts opportunities into awarded contracts. In most cases, Vision calculates the hit rate as follows: Awarded opportunities / All opportunities

Client Hierarchies

If Vision is configured to use client hierarchies, you can click the folder icon at the top left of the General tab of the Client Info Center to view a graphical representation of the client hierarchy called a "tree." The client hierarchy tree makes it easy to navigate between the parent and subsidiary client records.

You can group or sort this report by client hierarchy. To do that, select a parent criterion, such as Parent or Grandparent, on the Sorting/Grouping tab. The parent criteria that are available depend upon the levels of client client hierarchy established in the Client Hierarchy form in General Configuration (Configuration > General > Client Hierarchy). A client record that has no parent client record but has at least one child (subsidiary client record) is considered a top-level client for sorting and grouping.

When you report by client hierarchy, we recommend that you select Client NumberCustomer Number as one of your sorting and grouping criteria.

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