Labor Cross Charge Report

If you are using organizations, the Labor Cross Charge report helps you track labor exchanges between organizations. The report displays each labor transaction that results when an employee from one organization works on a project belonging to another organization. If your firm is not using the organizations, you cannot generate this report.

The organizations to which labor was charged are identified before each set of data, as in the following example:

Project Organization BO:AR Boston Architectural

The report also displays totals for each organization.

Configuration Settings

This report is only available if Enable cross charge feature is selected on the Cross Charge tab of the Accounting Company Settings form (Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings).

You should also make sure that the Labor Cost Rates/Amounts option is set properly for security roles (Configuration > Security > Roles).


If you use the Multicompany feature, only labor cross charges for the active company are included in this report.


If you use the Multicurrency feature, this report shows amounts in the functional currency of the active company.

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