The Invoice Transaction Detail report is specifically intended to support the option to post fee billed revenue based on transaction detail. Use the report to review the transaction detail that Vision used to allocate and post fee billing amounts to revenue accounts and to work breakdown structure (WBS) components (project, phases, and tasks).
For each invoice, the report provides complete transaction detail, grouped and subtotaled by general transaction type (labor, consultant, and expenses). You have the option to also display the invoice total amount and totals for each of the invoice sections: fees, labor, reimbursable expenses, and so on.
In addition to posted transactions, the report includes any billing-only transactions created in Interactive Billing. The detail on this report matches the detail displayed in Interactive Billing when the invoice was posted.
Configuration Settings
The option to post fee invoice revenue based on transaction detail is enabled on the Fees tab of the Billing Setup form (). However, the decision to use that option is made on a project-by-project basis on the Billing Terms form.
Revenue Allocation Based on Cost or Billing
On the Fees tab of the Billing Setup form, your firm indicates if fee billed revenue is to be allocated to revenue accounts based on transaction cost or transaction billing value. That decision has important implications for how you generate the Invoice Transaction Detail report if you want to review the transaction detail used to make the allocations:
Cost is selected in
Calculate Transaction Values At on the Billing Setup form, you should select all billing statuses under
Include on the Options tab of the Options dialog box for the report.
Billing is selected in
Calculate Transaction Values At on the Billing Setup form, you should only select
Final Billed Transactions under
Include on the Options tab of the Options dialog box for the report.
Invoice Adjustments and Credit Memos
If an invoice included on the report has associated adjustments or credit memos, the adjustments and credit memos are included on the report but are listed separately from the invoice detail.
Voided Invoices
The report includes voided invoices for reference, but they have no billed values or labor and expense amounts.
Record Selection
This report is designed to display information for entire invoices. If you select records for the report based, for example, on phase manager, Vision selects invoices for that phase manager, but the report includes all data for those invoices, not just that manager's portion of the invoice data.
Changes after Invoice Posting
If, after an invoice is posted, changes are made to the transactions associated with the invoice or to the billing terms, or other changes occur that affect the calculation of billing value or cost (whichever is used to allocate fee billed revenue) for those transactions, the transaction detail on the Invoice Transaction Detail report will no longer tie out to the original fee billed revenue allocations. Vision does not adjust the allocations for changes that occur after the invoice is posted, but the report is based on your current data.
If you use the Multicompany feature, this report only includes invoices for projects billed by the active company. Those projects include the following:
The report does not include data from sub-projects that are owned by the active company but that are also part of a billing group with a main project owned by another company.