Connect for Microsoft Outlook and CRM

Connect for Microsoft Outlook provides you with flexibility by making it possible for you to perform CRM tasks in Vision or directly in Microsoft Outlook. This add-in software is not intended to replace the ability to perform these tasks in Vision.

With Connect for Microsoft Outlook, you can manage Vision business appointments, email messages, clients, and contacts, as well as Vision activities, vendors, and opportunities, all from Outlook.

You purchase the Connect for Microsoft Outlook module separately from the core Vision software. Connect for Microsoft Outlook replaces an earlier Vision feature called "Synchronization Server." See your system administrator if you have questions.

After you install and configure Connect for Microsoft Outlook, when you open Outlook, Connect for Microsoft Outlook functionality is included in Outlook.

When you use Connect for Microsoft Outlook, you have the full functionality of Outlook as well as the following Vision functionality:

Connect for Microsoft Outlook provides you with the following capabilities:

Connect for Microsoft Office Documentation

The following Connect for Microsoft Outlook documentation is available:

  • Deltek Vision Connect for Microsoft Outlook Installation Guide — This guide covers software requirements, supported Microsoft Outlook configurations, and instructions on how to install and configure Connect for Microsoft Outlook. You can download this guide (PDF file) from the Deltek Customer Care Connect site.

  • Deltek Vision Connect for Microsoft Outlook: Customizing Configuration Settings for Connect for Microsoft Outlook — This guide provides instructions on how to create presets to configure default behavior for converting Microsoft Outlook contacts and presets to implement default and custom synchronization filters. The guide is intended for system administrators, IT staff, or custom developers.

  • Connect for Microsoft Outlook online help — This help system is available from the Outlook Help menu after you install Connect for Microsoft Outlook. It is accessible when you have Outlook online or offline.