Key Conversions Overview
Use Key Conversions to change certain Vision numbers or codes in your database to new numbers or codes. The changes that you make with the Key Conversion utility apply to all of the data in your database.
When you run a key conversion, whether by selecting Run or by scheduling the conversion to run on the process server, Vision creates an entry for the conversion on the Posting Log Review report.
Key conversions are available for the Posting log.
Key conversions are not advisable when Connect for Microsoft Outlook is installed. If these records are synchronized with Connect for Microsoft Outlook, then associations with other records may be broken and duplicate records may be created. Generate customization packages after you convert a primary key.
IMPORTANT: Deltek strongly recommends that you back up your database before running a key conversion because there is no way to undo an incorrect conversion. Deltek recommends that you use the Key Conversion utility infrequently.