Hiding Tabs

When you hide a tab in the hubs or Chart of Accounts Settings from a security role, the tab is not visible to users with that role, the non-essential fields on the tab are secured, and the essential fields on the tab are locked but not secured.

What Securing Does

Securing adds another layer of protection. The data for secured fields stays on the Vantagepoint server and is not pushed to the users' computers.

What Locking Does

Locking a field enables users to see the field, but not to make entries in the field or change values in the field.

Non-Essential Fields on a Hidden Tab

Non-essential fields on hidden tabs are automatically secured. A non-essential field contains data that is informational. Other data entry and processing in Vantagepoint are not dependent on non-essential fields.

For more information about essential versus non-essential fields, see Essential Fields in Vantagepoint.

Essential Fields on a Hidden Tab

Essential fields are certain fields in hubs and Chart of Accounts Settings that are necessary for other applications in Vantagepoint to work properly. There are essential fields for all security roles and essential fields for only the roles that have access to a specific hub.

When you hide a tab from a role, the following apply for essential fields on the tab:

  • Essential fields for all security roles are displayed and locked.
  • Essential fields for only the roles that have access to a specific hub are locked and hidden.

Although a hidden tab and all the fields on it do are not displayed when you work in detail view in a hub, the essential fields on hidden tabs are displayed when you work in list view in that hub. Essential fields for all roles are displayed but locked in list view. Essential fields for the roles that have access to the hub are hidden and locked, and therefore hidden from list view. When a field is set to Hidden, it is hidden in list view too. Locking the essential fields on hidden tabs prevents users from entering or changing data in the essential fields in a hub's list view. Locking is applied to all essential fields on a hidden tab, including fields that are in grids and compound fields with essential field components.

Not securing essential fields prevents possible unexpected results when users who belong to a role work in other Vantagepoint applications that require the fields.

For more information, see:

How You Hide Tabs

You hide or display standard and user-defined tabs in hubs and Chart of Accounts Settings for roles using the applications listed below. From either application, you accomplish the same thing. In Screen Designer, you hide a tab from multiple roles at the same time. In Roles Security, you hide tabs separately for each role.

  • Screen Designer: Use the Tab Security field for a tab on the Tab Properties pane in Screen Designer to hide or display a tab from one or more roles.

    For more information, see Hide a Tab in Vantagepoint.

  • Roles Security Settings: On the Access Rights tab in Settings > Security > Roles you can hide tabs for each role.

    For a security role, select the Application Tabs functional area and then add or remove access to tabs for the role. For more information, see Set Up Access to Application Tabs.

You cannot hide the Overview tab in a hub or the General tab in Chart of Accounts Settings.