Assignments Tab of the Employee Card Dialog Box

View an employee's assignments that have ETC (Estimate to Complete) hours remaining.

This tab displays on the Employee Card dialog box when you open it from Resource View, Project View, or the Plan form in the Projects hub. Information on this tab is particularly useful for a project manager who is working in Project View and wants to quickly see the current and future assignments that an employee has for other projects.

Field Description
Forecast Range Click Forecast Range or click next to Forecast Range to open the Change Forecast Range dialog box and define the range of calendar period columns you want to display in the grid.
Show Capacity Click Show Capacity to select the type of values that you want to display in the calendar period columns. Options are:
  • Planned hours: Shows the planned hours for the calendar period.
  • Schedule percentage: Shows the planned hours for the calendar period / Total available hours for the calendar period. On the Totals row of the grid, cell background color indicates schedule status: gray (properly scheduled), yellow (under-scheduled), red (over-scheduled).
  • Utilization percentage: Shows the Billable planned hours for the calendar period / Total available hours for the calendar period. (Billable hours are hours planned for projects that are assigned the Regular charge type.) On the Totals row of the grid, cell background color indicates utilization status: gray (properly utilized), yellow (under-utilized), red (over-utilized).

Assignments Grid

Field Description
Level This column displays the work breakdown structure (WBS) elements for which the employee has ETC hours.

Click and to expand or collapse the WBS levels.

Click a WBS element to display a tooltip containing the WBS element name and ID, contract start and end dates, project manager, client, project name and ID/number (if the WBS element is not the top-level element in the WBS), status, and any notes entered for the WBS element. Click the Open in Project View link in the tooltip to close the Employee Card dialog box and display the resource plan for the project in Project View.

If displays in this field next to a WBS element, that WBS element is inactive.

ETC Before

This column displays the total ETC hours that exist for dates after the JTD date and before the start date of the first calendar period column in the forecast range. (Generally, the JTD date is the date of the latest historical labor record in the database, but your system administrator can specify a different date.)

On the Totals row, this column displays the sum of the employee's ETC hours for dates before the start date of the first calendar period column in the forecast range.

If the day following the JTD date falls within the date range for the first calendar period column, no ETC hours exist for dates prior to the forecast range, so this column does not display.

Calendar period columns

The calendar period columns display planned hours for the employee by day, week, or month.

The forecast range you specify in the Change Forecast Range dialog box determines the time frame each calendar period column represents. For example, if you select Weeks in SCALE, 8 in DURATION, and July 1, 2017 in START WEEK, the grid displays eight calendar period columns, each column represents a week, and the first calendar period column is for the week that contains July 1, 2017.

Using the options in Show Capacity above the grid, you can also display utilization percentages and scheduled percentages for employees in these columns on the Totals row. The values in calendar period columns are calculated and displayed as follows, based on your selection in Show Capacity:
  • Planned hours: Planned hours for the calendar period for the WBS element. The Totals row displays the total planned hours for the employee for the calendar period.
  • Schedule percentage: The Totals row displays the schedule percentage for the employee: Planned hours for the calendar period / Total available hours for the calendar period. Cell background color indicates schedule status: gray (properly scheduled), yellow (under-scheduled), red (over-scheduled). WBS rows display planned hours.
  • Utilization percentage: The Totals row displays the utilization percentage for the employee: Billable planned hours for the calendar period / Total available hours for the calendar period. (Billable hours are hours planned for projects assigned the Regular charge type.) Cell background color indicates utilization status: gray (properly utilized), yellow (under-utilized), red (over-utilized). WBS rows display planned hours.

For the WBS level rows, bold values in the calendar columns indicate that the hours for the period are hard booked, and italic values indicate they are either all soft booked or a mix of soft-booked hours and hard-booked hours.

ETC After

This column displays the total ETC hours that exist for dates after the end date of the last calendar period column in the forecast range.

On the Totals row, this column displays the sum of the employee's ETC hours for dates after the end date of the last calendar period column in the forecast range.