Contents of the Email Invoice Dialog Box

Use these fields to specify who to send copies of draft or final invoices via email when you create draft or final invoices in Batch Billing.


Field Description
Select Email Template

Select a saved personal or shared email template to use as the basis for a new email message.

If you want to modify the options of an existing email template, select from the Select Email Template drop-down list and then click the Save Email Options button.

Save Email Options

Click this button to open the Save Email Options dialog box, on which you can save email templates for future use. Depending on your security role and save rights settings, you can save email templates for personal use, for the use of those who share your role, or for use by all roles.

To display and use your saved email templates, click the Select Email Template option.

Select Attendees From

In this field, select the type of recipients by which to filter the list of recipients in the grid below. Then, in the grid, select the recipients to receive the invoices from Batch Billing by email.

The type of recipients to choose from in the Select Attendees From field are:

  • Contacts: All the contacts from the Contacts hub display in the grid.
  • Employees: All the active employees from the Employees hub display in the grid.
  • Project Roles: The following fields from the Projects hub at the project level (work breakdown structure level 1) display in the grid: Biller, Principal-in-Charge, Project Manager, Supervisor, Primary Contact, Billing Contact, and user-defined contact or employee type fields.
Contacts, Employees, or Project Roles Grid

The title and contents of this grid are determined by what you selected in the Select Attendees From field:

  • If you selected Contacts, the grid title is Contacts. Select one or more contacts from the grid to email billing invoices to.
  • If you selected Employees, the grid title is Employees. Select one or more employees from the grid to email billing invoices to.
  • If you selected Project Roles, the grid title is Project Roles. Select one or more project roles from the grid to email billing invoices to.

After you make selections in the grid, click +To below the grid. The email address for each selected employee or contact recipient prefills in the To field below the grid. For project roles, each role prefills in the To field. The email address for the individuals in that project role for an invoice's project will be used for the email. If a project is part of a billing group, the project role that you select as an email recipient comes from the main project of the billing group.

After you add recipients of one type to the To field, you can add other types by changing the filter in the Select Attendees From field, selecting a different type of recipient, and then clicking +To again.

To add CC and BCC recipients, instead of selecting recipients and clicking +To below the grid, select the recipients and click +CC or +BCC below the grid. The email addresses of the recipients or the project roles are added to the CC and BCC fields below the grid.

Recipients who do not have an email address entered for them in the Contacts hub or Employees hub are not added to the email.

The grid toolbar options are:

  • : Click this icon to maximize the grid display. Click it again to return to the normal view.
  • : Click this icon to export data from the grid into a CSV (comma-separated value) file. For more information, see Exporting Data to a CSV File.
  • : Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on values in the grid columns.
+To, +CC, and +BCC After you select recipients for the email in the Contacts, Employees, or Project Roles grid, click one of these options below the grid to add the selected recipients as either To, CC, or BCC recipients. The recipient's email addresses or the project roles prefill in the To, CC, or BCC field below the +To, +CC, and +BCC options.
To This field prefills with the email addresses or the project roles of the recipients that you selected in the grid above and then clicked +To. To remove a recipient from this field, click X beside their name in this field.
CC This field prefills with the email addresses or the project roles of the recipients that you selected in the grid above and then clicked +CC. To remove a recipient from this field, click X beside their name in this field.
BCC This field prefills with the email addresses or the project roles of the recipients that you selected in the grid above and then clicked +BCC. To remove a recipient from this field, click X beside their name in this field.

This field prefills with Batch Billing Run. You may enter a different subject for the email message. If you want to insert a field into the email subject, click Insert Field above the Subject field on the right. On the Insert Field dialog box, select a field to insert into the email subject. For each field that you select, a code is inserted into the message as a placeholder. When the email is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from the matching field.

The fields that you can select are:

  • Primary Contact First Name
  • Primary Contact Last Name
  • Primary Contact Preferred Name
  • Primary Contact Salutation
  • Primary Contact Suffix
  • Billing Contact First Name
  • Billing Contact Last Name
  • Billing Contact Preferred Name
  • Billing Contact Salutation
  • Billing Contact Suffix
  • Billing Client Name
  • Main Project Number
  • Main Project Short Name
  • Main Project Long Name
  • Biller
  • Project Manager
  • Principal-in-Charge
  • Supervisor
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date

In this text box, enter the text for the body of the email message. Click in the text box toolbar to display the text formatting toolbar with options to bold text, add bullets, change the text font, and so on.

To select a field to insert into the email message, click Insert Field above the Message toolbar on the right. On the Insert Field dialog box, select a field to insert into the message. For each field that you select, a code is inserted into the message as a placeholder. When the email is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from the matching field.

The fields that you can select are:

  • Primary Contact First Name
  • Primary Contact Last Name
  • Primary Contact Preferred Name
  • Primary Contact Salutation
  • Primary Contact Suffix
  • Billing Contact First Name
  • Billing Contact Last Name
  • Billing Contact Preferred Name
  • Billing Contact Salutation
  • Billing Contact Suffix
  • Billing Client Name
  • Main Project Number
  • Main Project Short Name
  • Main Project Long Name
  • Biller
  • Project Manager
  • Principal-in-Charge
  • Supervisor
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
File Type

In this field, select the file type (format) for the invoices that you are emailing. Types are:

  • Adobe PDF: Sends email messages with a PDF attachment that can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you own a full copy of the Adobe Acrobat product, you can make minor edits to the PDF file.
  • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet: Sends email messages with an Excel spreadsheet (XLS) attachment. This format can be opened and edited in Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet will have no visible gridlines or row and column headers. The Microsoft Excel file format option is available only if you are using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services on your report server and if you do not select the Email Single File check box on this dialog box. If you generate the Unbilled Detail report along with the invoices, the invoice and the report will be in separate attached Excel files because there is no way to merge Excel files.
  • Microsoft Word Document: Sends email messages with a Word document (DOC) attachment. This format can be opened and edited in Microsoft Word.
  • Rich Text Format (RTF): Sends email messages with an RTF attachment. This format can be opened and edited in any Word Processing program, such as WordPad.
Email Single File

When a billing batch has multiple invoices to send to the same email recipient, select this check box to send a single email message with one file attached, which contains the multiple invoices and their supporting reports. If you do not select this option, the recipient will receive multiple, separate email messages, each with an invoice file attached.

If you select this check box and then enter project roles in the To, CC, or BCC fields, the recipients will be grouped. They will receive a single email message with one attached file that contains multiple invoices based on the projects associated with their roles and email addresses. For example, if you enter Billing Contact in the To field and Project Manager in the CC field, and you have two project records that have the same billing contact but different project managers, Vantagepoint sends two separate email messages, as follows:
  • The first email contains invoices for Project A and is sent to the assigned Billing Contact and to the Project Manager for Project A.
  • The second email contains invoices for Project B and is sent to the same Billing Contact and to the assigned Project Manager for Project B.

If you do not select this check box, each invoice and its supporting reports for an email recipient are added to a separate file. Each file is then attached to a separate email message. As a result, the recipient receives a separate email message for each invoice.

In either case, Vantagepoint also creates a single file for the billing batch that contains all invoices and related reports. You can view that file from the Invoice Archive tab of the Batch Billing form.

If you want to generate the reports as Microsoft Excel files, do not select this check box. This option is not supported when emailing Microsoft Excel files.