Deltek Vantagepoint (Build Release Notes
Last Updated: October 31, 2019

Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

Important Notes

Contents of Release Notes
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 2.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.

Software Issues Resolved

My Stuff: Timesheet and Expense Report

Defect 1205437: This issue occurred if you had more than 1,000 users entering timesheets and expense reports. The lookup in the Project field in Timesheets and Expense Reports did not return results as quickly as it should have.

Defect 1205596: This issue occurred if you used a web service with Vantagepoint when you enabled the Timesheet or Expense Report application in Workflow » Web Services. The scenario depended on how the custom web service was written; in some cases, you were blocked when attempting to save a timesheet or expense report.

My Stuff >> Expense Report

Defect 1206850: This issue occurred when you had no expense reports entered. On the Expense Reports form, when you clicked + Add Expense Report, the screen briefly displayed the fields for adding an expense report, but then the fields disappeared and were replaced with the message: "No Expense Report to view."

My Stuff >> Reporting

Defect 1206120: In Vantagepoint 2.0.9, changes were implemented to avoid situations in which a deadlock error occurred if you tried to perform an action that involved retrieving a project record at the same time that Vantagepoint was automatically adding missing assignments to its plan based on job-to-date (JTD) hours/amounts. One of those changes was to remove functionality that automatically checked for and added missing plan assignments to a project plan when you generated certain planning reports.


This defect fix restores that reporting functionality. As in version 2.0.8 and earlier versions, missing assignments are again added to a plan automatically, based on JTD hours or amounts, when you generate one of the following reports (or favorites/saved reports that you add based on these reports):

Defect 1210010: You received a "System.OutOfMemoryException" error when you ran the Project Earnings report with the Budget Source option set to Project Planning Budget on the report Options tab and you had a large number of projects.

Settings >> Resource Planning

Defect 1206769: Anywhere in Resource Planning Settings, you could occasionally receive a deadlock error.

User-Defined Hubs

Defect 1206798: This issue occurred in a user-defined hub when you created a new search for selecting records in the hub. When you ran the search and clicked the Apply All button on the new search dialog box, it displayed all the records in the hub instead of only those records that were returned by the search.

Utilities >> History Loading >> Accounts Payable

Defect 1206666: On the Accounts Payable form in History Loading, you were unable to edit the Functional Currency and Project Functional Currency fields in the Voucher Lines grid for an AP voucher.

Utilities >> Updates >> Search and Replace

Defect 1209230: On the Search and Replace form, after you entered a description, selected an application area, and then clicked the search icon in the Select Records field, when you clicked Apply All on the new search dialog box, none of the records in the grid on the dialog box were automatically selected.

Database Changes


Database Changes (Vision/Ajera CRM/GovWin Capture Management 7.6 to Deltek for Professional Services 1.1)

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