Deltek Vantagepoint 2.0.8 (Build Release Notes
Last Updated: September 26, 2019

Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 2.0.8 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

Important Notes

Contents of Release Notes
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 2.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.


Restrict Role Access to SOAP API By Default

Access to the SOAP API for all user roles is now restricted by default. If you have upgraded to Vantagepoint, you must manually provide access again by selecting the Allow Access to SOAP API check box on the Overview tab in Settings > Security > Roles.


Additional Columns Available on Project Reports

In version 2.0.7, the previous Vantagepoint version, the following fields were made available to all customers in the Projects hub: NAICS, Award Type, Competition Type, Contract Type, Period of Performance (POP), and Duration. (Before 2.0.7, those fields were only available to government contracting customers using Deltek CRM who upgraded to Deltek Professional Services or Deltek Vantagepoint.)


In the current release, these fields are also now available to all customers for selection as report columns on the following project reports: 

Exports Utility and Integrations Manager Utility


A new Exports utility has been added in Utilities » Imports & Exports » Exports. Use this utility to export Vantagepoint data to a file. Then use the file to import the data into other third-party software.

Use the new Integrations Manager utility in Utilities » Integrations » Integrations Manager to manage import and export files by accounting period.

These new utilities are available if you own the Vantagepoint Accounting or PSA module.

Exports Utility

To use the Exports utility to its fullest capabilities, you must have a basic understanding of Structured Query Language (SQL).

In the Exports utility, you can:

You can add filter options, sort order, and calculated fields to a data export definition. You can set up data mapping values to replace a column’s value from Vantagepoint with another value in the export file.

After you create an export file, you use other software to import the data in the file into the other software.

For more information, see the Exports Utility online help topic.

Role Security for the Exports Utility

To support the new Exports utility, the following settings and options have been updated or added in Settings » Security » Roles:

For more information, see the Give a Security Role Access to the Exports Utility online help topic.

Integrations Manager Utility

Use the Integrations Manager utility to manage export and import tasks by accounting period.

You create individual integrations and assign export and/or import tasks to them. This allows you to
group tasks together for easier management and processing. You save the integrations to use again in the future.

For example, you could set up an integration to create export files for importing Vantagepoint data into a third party software application on a regular basis.

Use an existing integration in the active accounting period to do the following:

For more information, see the Integrations Manager Utility online help topic.

Role Security for the Integratons Manager Utility

On the Overview tab in Settings » Security » Roles: Integrations Manager has been added under Utilities » Integrations in the list of menu items to give a role access to the Integrations Manager utility.

Firm Hierarchies

When reviewing a firm hierarchy, you now have the ability to view the entire hierarchy regardless of your security role’s access rights. However, to edit the hierarchy, you must have edit rights to the parent and child-level firms in the hierarchy.


The Firm Hierarchy dialog box now includes options to add, remove, indent, outdent, and re-order firms in the hierarchy.

Language Field Update in Employees Hub

The Language field on the Employees Overview tab of the Employees form is no longer a required field.
The employee
Language field is used to select a language to be used in workflow alert or email messages for the employee when a workflow is configured with that same language. If the workflow is configured with no language specified, then the employee Language field is ignored. Therefore, if you use only one language in your database, you can leave the employee Language field empty and configure your workflows with no language specified.

Restrict Role Access to SOAP API By Default

Access to the SOAP API for all user roles is now restricted by default. If you have upgraded to Vantagepoint, you must manually provide access again by selecting the Allow Access to SOAP API check box on the Overview tab in Settings » Security » Roles.

Searching by Primary Client Name

Vantagepoint now searches for the primary client name in addition to the project name and number when you type text in a Search field in the following places:

Tax Analysis and Tax File Generation Time Frame Options

The Time Frame options for the Tax Analysis report and Tax File Generation form have been updated to make them consistent with how Time Frame options work on other Accounting and Project reports. When you select the Range of Dates option, Vantagepoint no longer examines only the transactions posted through the active period. Instead, Vantagepoint always selects transactions within the specified date range, regardless of the period in which the transactions were posted or the dates of the current active period.


Also, when you select Range of Dates, the Tax Analysis report and Tax File Generation form now provide additional options for you to choose the tax point date for AP vouchers. You can set this date to be the Invoice Date (as was used in the past) or the Voucher Date. For more details about these Range of Dates changes, see Knowledge Base article 99362.


Updated PHP Version


The Touch Server for this version of the Deltek Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support PHP 7.3.9.

Apache Cordova for Android, Android API Level, and Cordova Base Upgrade

This release includes the upgrade of Cordova-Android to 8.0.0, Android API Level to 28, and Cordova Base to 9.0.0, to cover several improvements and fixes for Android.

Software Issues Resolved

Accounting >> Absence Accruals >> Absence Hours Accruals Processing

Defect 1149427: When the Enable Accruals on Hours Worked option in Settings » Accounting » Absence Accruals was set to No, running the process to calculate absence accrual hours resulted in a "No records selected" error.

Accounting >> Absence Accruals >> Hours Adjustment

Defect 1168596: When you set the maximum number of sick leave hours allowed per employee, Vantagepoint continued to accrue hours, even though the employee already reached the maximum sick leave limit.

Accounting >> Form 1099 Processing

Defect 1081494: The Wisconsin 1099 state code 55 was incorrectly added to the B record in fields 747-748. It should have been added to fields 683-684.

Billing: Interactive Billing and Batch Billing

Defect 1165216: The Invoice Addressee field on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing prefilled incorrectly as follows:

Defect 1168594: This issue occured if you use the default Vantagepoint invoice template for billing invoices, and you have expenses, labor, and/or units to bill for a project. When you created invoices in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, text on the invoice was incorrectly bolded.

Billing >> Batch Billing

Defect 1169876: In the Batch Billing application, if you changed the default Invoice Date on the Billing Sessions Options dialog box, you received this incorrect error message: "The date is not in the current fiscal year." The error message should have stated that the date was not in the Current Accounting Period or the Period Date Range.

Billing >> Interactive Billing

Defect 1179217: You were unable to bill a unit with a quantity of of less than 0.50.

Defect 1179973: When you accepted invoices in Billing » Interactive Billing, you received the error message " Nothing to print." Vantagepoint should have displayed a preview of the invoice file.

Defect 1180711: On the Invoice History tab of the Interactive Billing form, you received the following error message when you clicked Print for a credit memo: "Parameter 'HeaderInvoice' does not exist on this report."

Defect 1168642: When you accepted invoices in Billing » Interactive Billing and you worked at the phase/task level, the Invoice Accept dialog box did not show any information in the Project Detail grid. You had to accept the invoice on the main project level to be able to view the correct project detail information.

Defect 1163719: The billing backup and supporting documents that were associated with an invoice were not included in the invoice preview when the invoice was finalized and accepted in Interactive Billing.

Defect 1158017: If Vantagepoint was configured for non-standard HTTPS ports (for example, 9443 instead of 443), you were unable to print invoices and reports from Interactive Billing.

Defect 1173376: In Interactive Billing, when you downloaded an invoice, edited it, and then uploaded the edited invoice, you received a "Nothing to Print" error when you clicked the Accept button.

Cash Management >> Bank Reconciliation

Defect 1174550: The sorting feature did not work when you tried to sort the Number and Amount columns of a Bank Reconciliation record.

Defect 1173401: In Cash Management » Bank Reconciliation, when you voided a check transaction that was part of a larger EFT payment, the amount remained at 0.00. The voided check transaction should have been cleared and a negative offset amount displayed.

Defect 1173406: In Cash Management » Bank Reconciliation, when you associated statement dates with voided payment transactions, the dates were not saved. When you open Bank Reconciliation again, the statement date of the voided transactions displayed as "New."

Cash Management >> Credit Card Reconciliation

Defect 1182228: When you attempted to open a credit card statement with a negative total amount in the Cleared Charges field, you received an error message.

Cash Management >> Employee Payments

Defect 1168138: When you selected Organization as the Payment Sorting option and created a new employee payment run, the new payment run was sorted by employee number instead of the organization. 

Defect 1174539: When you created and processed a payment run with a net-zero or negative Total Payment value, Post Payments was grayed out and you could not post the payment.

Hubs >> Activities

Defect 1149769: On the Activities tab in the Projects hub, when you used the row tool to copy an activity and then saved it, you could not assign a different owner to the activity. Instead, you had to create a new activity, and then open it to assign a different attendee as the owner.

Defect 1164864: On the Overview tab of the Activities form, when you added a new attendee to an activity using the + New Contact option, the new contact was created, but did not display in the Attendeees list for you to select.

Hubs >> Employees

Defect 1180107: The Bank ID column in the Direct Deposit grid in Employees » Accounting was dropping 0 as the first digit of the routing number.

Defect 1181035: You received an unsaved changes error message whenever you navigated away from an employee record in the Employees hub.

Defect 1173396: The Projects grid on the Experience tab in the Employees hub did not include an option for sorting on the column header.

Defect 1115247: When Washington, DC was selected as the State/Province for an employee record in the Employees hub, the address format displayed differently on expense checks, which used the two-digit abbreviation DC, than it did on remittance advices, which used the full name Washington, DC.

Defect 1176362: When you clicked + New Search in the employee search field in the Employees hub, user-defined fields displayed twice in the select-a-field drop-down list on the New Employee Search dialog box. If you clicked the first occurrence of the user-defined field, it returned incorrect search results. If you clicked the second occurrence, it returned the correct search results.

Hubs >> Firms

Defect 1173469: When an Approval ID was selected on the Vouchers tab of Voucher Review, a new tab opened with an error stating that the site could not be opened.

Defect 1169775: If you changed data on a grid and then sorted grid columns, Vantagepoint did not preserve the update for that row. Instead, Vantagepoint retained the previous values of the row that you had changed, and then incorrectly updated the data on a different row.

Defect 1125635: When you created and saved a new firm, the firm's Phone and Fax Number fields were not saved on the Overview tab.

Defect 1131797: When you created a new contact record and qualfied it on-the-fly for billing terms that were saved to a project record, you could still edit the firm address associated with the contact.

Defect 1176367: In Hubs » Firms » Voucher Review, editing the Address Description of any AP Voucher resulted in the Save button being disabled. 

Hubs >> Firms >> Voucher Review

Defect 1182344: On the Voucher Details dialog box, the Billed Invoice drop-down list did not display search results as you manually entered an invoice number, even though the invoice number exists. The Voucher Details dialog box is displayed when you click the magnifying glass icon at the right end of the grid for each line item.

Hubs >> Projects

Defect 1176424: If you used Screen Designer to move the project plan summary fields (Plan Status, Plan Start - End, and so on) out of the Projects hub summary pane, saving changes on the Plan Settings dialog box no longer worked correctly. When you made a change to plan settings and clicked Save, the process appeared to continue indefinitely; the progress indicator kept spinning. The save and any recalculations were actually completed successfully, but the data display was not refreshed. You had to manually refresh the browser page to display the updated data.

Hubs >> Projects >> Billing Terms

Defect 1169803: The Current Fee amount in the Fees grid on the Fees tab in Billing Terms was incorrect for projects that have all of the following settings on the Fees tab in Billing Terms:

Hubs >> Projects >> Contract Management

Defect 1169776: When you entered a value with decimals in the record, the Total Fee column on the Estimated Fee tab did not reflect the correct amount.

Hubs >> Projects >> Plan

Defect 1154964: On the Expenses tab of the Plan form, the value in ETC Billing was greater than the value in Planned Billing. This was the result of values with decimals being rounded off because the No Decimal option was selected in Settings » Resource Planning » Plan Settings.

Hubs >> Projects >> Project

Defect 1159198: When you created a new project from a template with the Create Linked Promotional Project to Track Pursuit Costs option selected in the Projects hub, and the Autonumber Source option set to Expression in Utilities » Workflow » Autonumbering, you received an error message if you edited the project structure.

Defect 1162871: When you searched for a new project using the Advanced Settings option and set the Project option to Organization, you received an incorrect syntax error message.

Defect 1180157: On the Primary Client dialog box, an error occurred when you edited and selected a value in the Address Description field and then saved it. The Primary Client dialog box is displayed when you edit the Primary Client field on the Overview tab of the Projects form.

Defect 1183622: You received "An error has occurred" message when you clicked in a user-defined field in the Projects hub if the field's field type is another hub and your security role does not have access to the other hub. This error also displayed when you created a new project search in the projects search field and searched using the user-defined field.

Defect 1168769: An Incorrect syntax near '{'. error occured in Hubs » Projects » Project when you edited and saved fields in WBS2 or WBS3.

Defect 1169969: When a new Revenue Method was selected and saved on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub, if you navigated away from the form and then returned, the Revenue Method reverted to the original selection.

Defect 1185008: When the primary client's address on a project did not exist in the Location field in the Firms grid of the Teams tab for that project, the upgrade process removed the primary client address for the project.

Hubs >> Projects >> Project Review

Defect 1175419:  When you opened a project with unposted labor hours and cleared the Include Unposted Time option, the unposted labor hours were still available in the project.

Defect 1164448: When a user or role had limited access to Projects and the Update % Complete in Project Review option was selected, a multi-part identifier "LEVEL3.[col]" error displayed.

My Stuff >> Approval Center

Defect 1141223: After you selected and approved expense line items, you were not able to generate an Expense Line Approval report because the approval of the other expense line items did not proceed and continued to have with an "In-Progress" status.

Defect 1149363: This issue applies if you use approvals for expense reports (turned on in Settings » Expense » Expense Approvals), and you selected an approval workflow that has the Both Expense Report and Expense Line approval level. After an expense report was submitted and an approver approved all the expense lines but rejected the expense report, if you deleted an expense line, the approval process for all of the expense lines below the deleted line were restarted when the expense report was submitted. The approval process should not have been restarted for those expense lines.

My Stuff >> Expense Report

Defect 1180787: The Approve option was not displayed when you completed these steps for an expense report with an In-Progress approval status:

  1. Submit an expense report.

  2. Copy an expense line item and save the expense report.

  3. Delete the expense line item copy and save the expense report.

In addition to fixing this issue, the expense report now displays the Restart Approval option in place of the Approve option if:

Defect 982993: When Line Item Approval and Expense Approval were both enabled in an expense report approval workflow, and an employee unsubmitted their expense report, the expense report unsubmitted successfully but the expense line items remained in a submitted status in the approval workflow. 

My Stuff >> Reporting

Defect 1157891: In Utilities » History Loading » Account Balances, history loading entries were missing in a number of fields. As a result, when you ran the Balance Sheet report in the Reporting application, the Balance Sheet showed incorrect account balances and the history loading entries were excluded.

Defect 1180692: The Consultant Ledger report did not show the budget amount from the project plan.

Defect 1173382: An error occurred when you viewed favorite reports with names that included a plus sign (+). This occurred for favorite reports that were initially created in Vision and were converted when you upgraded to Vantagepoint.

Defect 1173488: When you clicked + New Calculation in the Columns grid of the Columns & Groups tab of most reports and tried to add new calculated fields, you receive an error message saying that you do not have rights to add records. Even if your role did not have access to the Global Calculated fields in Settings » General » Calculated Fields, you should be able to add new calculated fields on specific reports.

Defect 1171604:  When you set the Time Frame option to Period Range, history loaded transactions were not included in the Voucher Ledger (Voucher Summary) report.

Defect 1159287: After you removed the Organization is Active Company filter in the Organization field lookup (on the Option tab of the Account Analysis report), the filter returned after you performed a record search in the Organization lookup on the Account Analysis report. This occurred when you used a multicompany database.

Defect 1188713: This issue applies if you selected Transaction Type as a grouping and sorting option on the Columns & Grouping tab for the Account Analysis report. When you ran the report and drilled down on items in the report, you received an error.

Defect 982452: On the Labor Detail report, an additional row was displayed, which had a "0.00" value without any header. This occurred if:

Defect 1184379: When you generated the Labor Detail report using a search that filtered the employees on the report based on a user-defined field in the Employees hub, the report failed with an error:  "...Query execution failed for dataset 'ReportDataset'."

Defect 1175329: When running the Labor Resource Planned and Actuals report, choosing to sort the report by Studio resulted in the projects not being correctly grouped.

Defect 1150845: When you generated a Project Forecast report, the report retrieved the estimated fee amount for awarded projects instead of the total compensation amount.

Defect 866873: On the Employee Labor Audit report in Reporting in the desktop application, when you selected and applied the Regular Amount, Overtime Amount, and Secondary Amount options on the Columns tab of the Report Options dialog box, Vantagepoint cleared these check boxes if you closed and then reopened the Reports Options dialog box.

Defect 1185689: When you ran an AR Aged report and performed an advanced search,  the Level column was missing in the Search Criteria grid.

Defect 1169723: In the Desktop Reporting application, even though your security role had unlimited access to Sorting/Grouping options, you could not view all Sorting options on the Timesheet Audit Detail report in Employee Reports.

Defect 1183653: On the Columns & Groups tab for a user-defined hub list or summary report, the drop-down list in the Grid Type field in the Grouping and Sorting section was missing user-defined grids.

Defect 1148130: On the Reports tab in the Reporting application, if your security role had access to the Unposted Labor report, but did not also have access to the Transaction Entry application, you received an access error message for the report. However, when you clicked OK on the error message, you could then successfully run the report.

Defect 1076631: If you changed the color selected for a column in the Grouping and Sorting grid on the Columns & Groups tab for the Resource Utlilization by Organization report and made no other changes, the generated report did not reflect that color change. If you made other changes to report options along with the color change, this problem did not occur.

My Stuff >> Timesheet

Defect 1072116: Supervisors with Timesheet Administration Level set to Staff on the Time & Expense tab in the Employees hub were able to submit new absence requests. For these individuals, the timesheet and other actions should have been read-only.

Defect 1178022: On the Plan Assignments dialog box, when you selected all the line items and then clicked Copy To Timesheet, only some line items were copied to the timesheet. (The Plan Assignments dialog box is displayed when you select the Copy from Plan from the Other Actions menu on the Timesheets form.)

Defect 1171065: When you tried to search missing timesheets for a specific employee or for all employees, you recieved an error message.

Defect 1175335: When you clicked the drop-down arrow beside the search bar and selected Custom… , the Custom Search dialog box was blank.

Defect 1172924: You were not able to edit the submitted timesheet, even though you were the assigned timesheet group administrator with editing rights.

Defect 1180791: The Approve and Reject options were not displayed when you completed these steps in a timesheet with an In-Progress approval status:

  1. Submit a timesheet.

  2. Copy a row item and save the timesheet.

  3. Delete the copied row item and then save the timesheet.

In addition to fixing this issue, the expense report now displays the Restart Approval option in place of the Approve and Reject options if:

Defect 869254: When you resized the columns on the left side of the timesheet grid and then opened another menu item and returned to the timesheet, the left side grid returned to the original size and your changes were lost.

Defect 1105997: When an employee tried to unsubmit a posted timesheet, he received a message that he successfully did so. There was no change in the timesheet status and the timesheet remain posted.

Navigation Menu

Defect 1063622: This defect applies if you use an alternate database for reporting. When you right-clicked a menu item from the Reporting or Hubs menu in the desktop application and selected Open in New Window, the following error message displayed: "DatabaseID [ALTREPORT] already exists." When you closed the error message dialog box, the desktop login screen displayed.


Defect 1172839: When you accessed the Notification Details dialog box for a new project notification, the Navigate to Record option did not display the project hub record even when the user had appropriate access rights for the project hub record.


Defect 1180932: In certain cases when the data included planned hours assigned to non-working days, you received this error when you tried to view employee utilization percentages in Resource View or on Resource Planning reports: "Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal."

QuickBooks Integration

Defect 1163698: 

Issue 1: Some Vantagepoint billing invoice amounts were multiplied in QuickBooks when there were many billing invoices for the same project. For example, if there were five invoices for the same project, the original invoice with an amount of $100 in Vantagepoint was added to QuickBooks with an amount of $500.

Issue 2: Some invoices for a project were not transferred to QuickBooks because a duplicate invoice was found in the same posting. The invoices after the duplicate were not transferred to QuickBooks.

Reporting >> Data Export

Defect 951850: On the Data Export Reporting form (Reporting » Data Export in the desktop application), the Project Labor Export report displayed unposted hours and costs without the date information. This occurred when you changed the value in the IncludeUnpostedLabor field in the parameters area to "Y" in the Project Labor Export preview window.

Resource Management >> Resource View

Defect 1171776: When you viewed a project plan in Resource Management » Resource View, you were not able to edit the project plan because it contained unpublished changes.

Screen Designer

Defect 1178124: When you edited the name of the Contract Details grid on the Screen Designer form, the change was not reflected on the Contract Mangement form.

Defect 1181458: This issue sometimes occurred if you use only one currency in Vantagepoint and you upgraded to Vantagepoint from Vision. In Screen Designer, when you moved columns in a user-defined grid that contained user-defined currency fields, you received the following error message: "Code projectCurrency does not exist. The value for field DataType will not be set."


Defect 1145285: When you deleted a hub record, the query to update the ModDate and ModUser fields should not be run.

Settings >> Accounting >> Post Accounts

Defect 1169789: In the Debit and Credit Distribution by Organization grid (Settings » Accounting » Posting Accounts), if you selected the Distribute check box for Consultant Accrual, Employee Expense, and Employee Advance, Vantagepoint disallowed these distributions and returned errors.

Settings >> Accounting >> Posting Accounts

Defect 1177473: The lookup function for the Project field, found in the tables of the Posting Accounts form, was not displaying projects. When you cleared the Project field and then accessed the drop-down menu for the project lookup, the drop-down menu did not display available projects for the line item. When you performed a search on the New Project Search dialog box, it also did not display available projects. Then, when you retyped the previously entered project in the Project field, the lookup did not display the previously entered project.

Settings >> Accounting >> Units

Defect 1179206: When you entered less than 0.50 in the Cost Per Unit field for a new or existing unit in a unit table on the Unit Tables form, the following fields and check boxes were not accessible: Revenue Posting Account, Consolidate Detail on Bill, Show Date on Bill, and Show Math on Bill.

Settings >> Accounting >> User Defined Revenue

Defect 1178049: When you tried to add a revenue method, the Fields field on the Revenue Methods dialog box did not display the user-defined fields from the Project hub with the numeric or number type and currency type.

Settings >> Expense >> Expense Categories

Defect 1168768: When your database was upgraded from Deltek Vision or Deltek for Professional Services (DPS) to Deltek Vantagepoint (DVP), the number of expense categories in Settings » Expense » Expense Categories doubled when AP expense codes were combined with your company's existing expense codes.

Defect 1166056: In Settings » Expense » Expense Categories, when you selected an expense category and searched for an overhead account, the Account Lookup dialog box only displayed Indirect accounts. The search results should include Asset, Liability, Net Worth, Indirect, and Other Charges accounts.

Settings >> Organization Setup (Desktop) >> Individual Organization Setup

Defect 1082973: When you disabled the Payroll liability distribution option and the Payroll Default Bank entry was not cleared on each organization record, the old Payroll Default Bank entry was still used as the bank code for the selected employee in the organization.

Settings >> Time >> Time Periods and Settings >> Time >> Time Groups

Defect 1176779: When you added multiple timesheet periods using + Add Multiple Time Periods on the Time Periods form, or added multiple time groups on the Time Groups form, you would sometimes receive a blocking error that prevented the time periods and time groups from being saved.

Text Box Fields in the Desktop Application

Defect 1180853: This applies for the Vantagepoint desktop applicaton, but not for the browser application.

In the desktop application, when you selected Edit for a text box field that has a text editor, such as the Extra Notes field on the General tab in the Equipment hub, you received a "Default dictionary directory path is not valid" error. You could still enter and save text, but you could not format the text.


Defect 1180879: If you tried to log on to your mobile application using your domain credentials, you were stuck stuck on a black screen with a spinning wheel and the message "Please Wait." This defect only affected Deltek Vantagepoint mobile application users who had an on-premises installation and used Windows Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication.

Transaction Center >> AP Invoice Approval

Defect 1179875: The Status field in the approvals grid on the AP Invoice Approvals form was blank for all approval records. However, when you clicked a row in the grid, the status for the row above the row that you clicked would display correctly.

Defect 1171585: This issue applies if a vendor has a default tax code entered for it in the Firms hub. When you added a project to the Project Detail grid on the AP Invoice Approvals form for an AP invoice approval, the amount that prefilled in the Total Tax Amount field was incorrectly rounded down.

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> All Transactions

Defect 1182807: If you were using Windows Authentication, created a new transaction, and then viewed it on the Transactions grid in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » All Transactions, the creator was listed as undefined.

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> AP Vouchers

Defect 1181027: When you created multiple vouchers for a new AP Voucher file (via Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » New AP Voucher File), Vantagepoint did not sort the vouchers in the order in which they were created.

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> Journal Entries

Defect 1171882: A performance issue was experienced in the Journal Entries form for some recurring jobs.

Defect 1173450: In the Project Information grid of the Journal Entries form, if Allow Asset Entries was set to On and there was no entry in the Equipment column, you could only select Asset type accounts from the Account column drop-down list.

Transaction Entry >> Time and Expense Posting

Defect 1172904: When you set the Periods Per Year option in Utilities » Periods » Period Setup and tried to post timesheets or transactions, you received an error message: "The date is not in the current fiscal year."


Defect 1153388: The system-generated notification email message that was sent on completion of a process server job had "Deltek Vision: Completed Jobs" in the subject line instead of "Deltek Vantagepoint: Completed Jobs."

Utilities >> Data Import

Defect 1080617: If you used the Data Import utility in the desktop application to import AP vouchers, it incorrectly allowed you to associate a voucher line item with both a project and a balance sheet GL account. In contrast, if you try to enter such a voucher manually on the AP Vouchers form (Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » AP Vouchers in the browser application), you correctly receive an error message.

Utilities >> History Loading >> Invoice and Receipt

Defect 1172682: When you added a line in the Invoices grid, entered values for the Invoice, Date, and Account fields, entered an amount for the invoice, and then saved the record, you received the message "An error occurred saving the Project."

Utilities >> History Loading >> Labor and Expense

Defect 1176357: When you added a line in the Labor History grid and saved the record, you received an error message saying that values are required for the Account and Billing Status columns in the Expenses grid.

Utilities >> Updates >> Search and Replace

Defect 1174440: When you filtered records with a user-defined employee field in the Select Records field, and then set the Field To Update option to Hours/Day, you received an error message when you tried to run the process.

Database Changes


Database Changes (Vision/Ajera CRM/GovWin Capture Management 7.6 to Deltek for Professional Services 1.1)

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