The UDT01 table is one of the most important user-defined tables in the system.  You can use UDT01s for General Ledger numbers or for UDT02/job numbers. Common configurations either use the UDT01 as the prime charge number by itself or as a sub number linked with UDT02s. When you use UDT01s with UDT02s, you can configure the system to always require a UDT02/UDT01 combination or to sometimes allow the UDT01 by itself.

This user-defined table is the " XXXX-XXX" portion of the account/contract number. 


This user-defined table is the account number. 

When do I use the UDT01 screen?

Use this screen any time to add, edit, delete, and link items for the UDT01.

The UDT01 screen tabs

The tabs available in this screen are Basic Information, Supervisors, UDT02 Links, UDT07 Links, and UDT09 Links.

Use the first tab to provide basic information on the item, the second tab to assign supervisors to the item, and use the remaining three tabs to provide links to other tables.  Please note that one or all link tabs may be disabled if the system has been so configured. 

You cannot delete a UDT01 that is being used on a timesheet line.

Which records you can see, and whether you have rights to Save or Delete records, depends on how your security role and functional role are set up.

If you open the UDT01 screen and you have not set up any UDT01 Types, the system will display the following error message: "There are no rows in the UDT01 Type table." If you have not set up any Functional Roles, the following error message will display: "There are no rows in the Functional Role table."

If you are adding a new UDT01, you will only be able to access the Basic Information tab until you select Save. When the UDT01 is saved, and your Security Role has the Apply Charge Level Security checkbox selected, a primary administrator function will be added for you.