Special Topic: Second-Tier Ceilings


With Deltek Expense, you can have several types of "Not to Exceed" ceilings for lodging and meals expenses. You can set up one of the following:

As an example, let's say that the government per diem rate for lodging expenses in Huntsville, AL is $66.00. Your company policy states that you will reimburse employees above the $66.00, but no more than $100.00. You set the second-tier ceiling to $100.00, and the system will reimburse the employee up to $100.00.

Steps to set up Second-Tier Ceilings

The following steps are required to set up and use the Second-Tier Ceiling feature in Deltek Expense:

  1. Per Diem Schedules - Set up your per diem schedule(s) in accordance with your company's policies. See Special Topic: Per Diems for more details.

  2. Expense Types - The second-tier ceiling function is available only for those expense types for which the following criteria were selected in the Expense Types screen:

  3. The option selected in the Wizard Type drop-down box is "Lodging" or "Meals."

  4. The Per Diem checkbox is selected.

  5. Set up the expense type in the Expense Types screen as follows:

Do the following in the Ceilings group box:

  1. Select "Non-Reimburse" in the Over-Ceiling Rule drop-down box.

  2. Check the Second Tier Ceiling checkbox. Save the record.

  3. Go to the Rates/Ceilings tab and select the Add Rate/Ceiling function. Enter the effective date in the Effective Date field and the ceiling amount in the Ceiling field.

  4. Save the record.

You will need to complete the setup of these expense types before using them in expense reports. See the Expense Types screen documentation for further information on setting up expense types.

Using Second-Tier Ceilings

If you enter an expense against an expense type for per diem meals or per diem lodging and that expense type uses the Second-Tier Ceiling function, one of the following situations will occur: