Use the Medical Benefits screen to view and select your medical insurance option(s). You can access this screen from either the Benefits Enrollment or the Life Events/New Hires process. If you access this screen from the Life Events/New Hires application, it displays your current coverage and your new coverage and an additional Start Date field. The current coverage and new coverage amounts are broken out by pay frequency with a link to the selected plan information. You cannot access this screen from the main menu.
The Medical Benefits screen displays several tables: the Current Coverage table, which displays your current benefit plan and coverage option information; the Enroll in New Coverage table, where you can make a new medical election; the Primary Care Physician Information and Dependent Information tables, on which you can enter your primary care information (when applicable) and select your dependent(s) for coverage (when applicable). You can view an existing record, add or update a record, navigate away from a record, or save a record.
View your current medical election (if available) in this table.
This field displays your current medical election.
This field displays the effective date of your current election.
This field displays your current level of coverage (i.e., "Employee," "Employee + 1," "Family," etc.).
This field displays your current premium amount, based on the (current) pay frequency ("Monthly," "Semi-Monthly," "Bi-Weekly," or "Weekly").
Use this table to make a new medical election.
This field displays all of the (new) medical election options that are set up in the system. The plan may display as a hyperlink, which you can select to access the Medical Copay table or the plan's website.
This field displays the date on which your new election is due to begin.
These columns display your medical coverage options (i.e. "Employee +Child," "Employee + Family," "Employee + Spouse," "Employee Only") and their rows display the medical premiums for the coverage/plan option combination. Select the radio button in the column/row that displays your desired coverage/plan option combination.
If your selected plan requires a primary care physician, this table will display.
Enter your physician's name in this field.
Enter your physician's identification number here.
Select a dependent(s) to assign to your plan.
Select the checkbox to the left of the row to indicate that the dependent should be covered under the plan. If the checkbox is unchecked, the dependent will not be covered under the plan.
This field displays the names of dependents who have been set up in the system.
This field displays the relationships of the dependents to you.
If the plan that you select requires a primary care physician, the Primary Care Physician Name and Primary Care Physician # columns will display in the Dependent Information table. Enter the name of your dependent's physician in this field.
If the plan that you select requires a primary care physician, the Primary Care Physician Name and Primary Care Physician # columns will display in the Dependent Information table. Enter the identification # of your dependent's physician in this field.
Select this button to return to the splash screen.
Select this button to return to the previous page.
Select this button to update the database with a placeholder and proceed to the next screen/page. Then you can revisit the Life Events/New Hires process to complete the election at a later time.
Select this button to leave your benefit election(s) "as is" and proceed to the next screen/page.
Select this button to update the database with your changes and proceed to the next screen/page.
Selecting the Medical Plan hyperlink in the Enroll in New Coverage table forwards you to the Medical Plan Copay table (if the information is available in the system).
This field displays copay information related to the selected plan.
This field displays in-network fees for medical expenses as they relate to the Coverage Type description.
This field displays out-of-network fees for medical expenses as they relate to the Coverage Type description.
Select this button to return to the Medical Benefits page.