Inactivate Dependents/Beneficiaries Benefits

In the main Dependents/Beneficiaries screen, select the checkbox for the row that displays the name of the dependent/beneficiary that you wish to inactivate. Then select the Inactivate button on the row where the checkbox is checked, and you will be launched to this screen, which displays all of the benefits that are affected by the dependent/beneficiary inactivation taking place.  (You must select the Confirm button to save the inactivation to the system.)

The tables that appear in this screen are determined by data in the system that is tied to the selected dependent/beneficiary being inactivated:  

This screen will not be available if you have accessed the Dependents/Beneficiaries screen from the menu.


This field displays the name of the dependent/beneficiary.

Date of Inactivation:

This field displays the date of inactivation.  If you accessed the Dependents/Beneficiaries screen through the Life Event process, the date will be the day before the date of the life event.  If you accessed it through the Benefits Enrollment process, the date will be the day before the benefits enrollment plan year start date.


Select the Confirm button to save the inactivation to the database and return to the Dependent/Beneficiaries screen.


Select this button to return to the Dependents/Beneficiaries screen (without saving).  

