Click Audit to view the revision history for a specific timesheet.
Select the revision number for the revision that you want to review. This drop-down box contains all revision numbers that exist for the timesheet being displayed. The current revision will be listed as the default revision. The revision numbers will appear in descending order.
The revision number is a sequential number assigned to a group of changes made to a timesheet during a save. Timesheets start off at revision number 1, and this number is increased by one every time you save auditable changes.
This field displays the number of the line that was revised.
This field displays the date of the line that was revised.
If you are linking UDT02 and UDT01, this column will display and it will contain the UDT02 ID that was charged on the revised line. If the UDT02 checkbox is selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen, the abbreviation will display.
This field displays the UDT01 ID that was charged on the revised line. If the UDT01 checkbox is selected in the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen, the abbreviation will display.
This field displays the description of the charge that was revised.
This field displays the system-generated description of the revision. See the Revision Audit Detail information in the Save option section for more information.
This field displays the name of the employee that made the change.
This field displays the date on which the revision was made.
This field displays the explanation provided by the user at the time of the revision.
If the revision is signed, this field will display the name of the supervisor that signed it.
If the revision is signed, this field will display the date and time the supervisor signed it.
If the revision is approved, this field will display the name of the supervisor that approved it.
If the revision is approved, this field will display the date and time the supervisor approved it.
Select the Close pushbutton to close the Revision Audit dialog.