Export Transformer

The currently available labor transformers are for Deltek GCS Premier, Deltek Costpoint, and Generic. The currently available payroll transformers are for ADP. The transformer process "transforms" the information in the labor/payroll staging tables into an ASCII file that can be imported into the financial system. The transformation process is executed at the end of the export timesheets export step.

In order for the transformation process to occur, you must place a file named ExportTimesheets.properties in the directory specified in the Export Location field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen. This file contains information for the type of transformer that will be executed.   

There should be at least two lines in the ExportTimesheets.properties file. The first line is for the labor transformer and the second line is for the payroll transformer. The format is as follows.


Replace the COSTPOINT6X above with the version of the financial system that you are running. For example, if you are running Deltek GCS Premier, the first line in the properties file will be LABOR=GCS.  


This parameter specifies whether or not the labor transformation will occur and the type and version of ASCII file to create.

The valid values for a labor transformation are:

If you do not specify a transformation value or the application cannot find a properties file, the exported timesheet labor records will stay in the staging table. If you have specified a value the transformer creates an ASCII file that contains the records for the batch exported.


This parameter specifies whether or not the payroll transformation will occur and the type and version of ASCII file to create.

The valid values for a payroll transformation are:


In addition to specifying the layout of the transformed ASCII file, you can space out one or more of the User-Defined Table (UDT) fields by placing the following parameter in the properties file:

For example, if you want UDT03 to be removed from ASCII file so the destination system can provide a default, the parameter will be "EXPORT_UDT03=N."


For GCS Premier, these parameters work only for UDT03, UDT07, UDT08, and UDT10 because they update only the existing flags in the header record of the ASCII file. See GCS Premier documentation for further information about the header record or the GCS Premier section of the "Transformed Export ASCII Layouts" chapter in the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide.



These parameters will cause Costpoint to calculate missing values using Costpoint default logic.


You can download rate 1 amounts during export by placing the following parameter in the properties file:

If you do not include the parameter or it is set to "N," zeroes will be exported for the amount.


For Costpoint users, this parameter allows the summarization of records in the ASCII file.

If you specify "Y," the records will be summarized to the line level. The Timesheet Date field will display the timesheet date supplied on the Export Timesheets screen. The Notes field will display the line comment.

If you specify "N," the records will not be summarized. They will be created at the cell level. The Timesheet Date field will display the cell date and the Notes field will display cell comments.

If there is no SUMMARY= property, or no value supplied, or a value of "Y," the file will be summarized as it always has.


With this parameter, a particular UDT01 ID can be spaced out in the ASCII file for Costpoint users.

For example, if you want to space out account 1000 in the ASCII file,  enter UDT01_ID=1000 as a parameter in the properties file.

The program creates the ASCII file in the Export directory. The name of the labor file is "<Batch ID>.ets" where <Batch ID> is the ID supplied on the Export Timesheets screen.

The name of the payroll ADP file is "<Payroll ID><Batch ID>.csv" where <Payroll ID> is the Payroll ID of the employee on the record (from the Basic Information tab of the Employee Information screen) and <Batch ID> is the ID supplied on the Export Timesheets screen.

When the transformation is completed, the export staging tables are cleared for the selected batch ID. Please review the "Transformed Export ASCII Layouts" chapter in the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for information on the ASCII file layouts.

