Attachments Screen

The Attach screen displays when you click clip-1.gif in the Action column on the Workflow Status screen, or if you click camera-old-1.gif to edit an existing attachment.

It displays items that you are required to include with the Expense Authorization. These could include items such as an airfare quote, hotel room confirmation, or trip authorization form.

Manual Attach

Select Manual Attach to browse for a file that you want to attach.

Fax Attach

Select Fax Attach if you do not want to attach an electronic file, but instead want to create coversheet file that can be used track documents that you will fax. The coversheet displays in the Print dialog after you click Submit.


Enter a description of the item you are attaching.


Click Browse to search for the file that you either want to upload or print.


This field displays the file path you selected through the Browse function.

Select All

Click Select All of the attachment applies to all the attachment type listed in the table.


Use the Select check box to select the item that applies to the file you have attached.

When if Edit mode, if you clear a check box, you will be required to attach a different file.


If missing the required attachment for a given item in the table, select the Missing check box next to that item.


For expense level items, this field displays the ID number that identifies the expense.

Attachment Type

This field displays the type of attachment that is required for this item. For expense level items the attachment type might be an airfare quote, but for an Expense Authorization level item, the attachment type might be a trip approval form.

Expense Type

Where applicable, this field displays the type of expense that applies to this item. For example, for an expense level item, the expense type might be car rental or hotel. Where the expense type is not applicable, "N/A" displays in this field.


If applicable, this field displays the charge description for this item.


For expense level attachments, this field displays the amount of the expense.


For expense level attachments, this field displays the transaction currency for the expense.

Missing Explanation

If you selected Missing for an attachment item, enter an explanation of they the required attachment(s)  is missing.


Click Cancel to close the Attach screen and return to the Workflow screen without saving any changes.


Click Reset to clear the fields of any modifications you have made.


Click Submit complete the attachment process, or if this is a FAX attachment, the coversheet displays in the Print dialog box, where you can print it. In this case, Deltek Expense generates a report that provides basic information about the expense authorization and identifies the item(s) you are faxing.

Your system administrator may configure coversheets to print in one of two ways:

For example, if two different attachment types display in the Type column and you select expenses for both, two separate coversheets will print, and each coversheet will list the expenses assigned to that attachment type.

Because multiple expenses may be listed in a single coversheet, they display in table format directly below the barcode, and they will flow to multiple pages if necessary.

The barcode must be visible at all times. If you tape receipts to the coversheet, do not tape them over the barcode, which is scanned to identify which expense authorization to update.