If you make selections in the Criteria tab and select the Execute pushbutton, this tab will display the results. The Primary and Secondary sorts that you selected in the Criteria tab determine the order of the information in the table. The field headings remain the same.
This non-editable column displays the name of the employee. If the system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID, in parentheses, will come after the employee name.
This non-editable column displays the employee's timesheet class.
This non-editable column displays the employee's status. You selected the statuses for the daily floor check in the Filter group box in the Criteria tab. They are:
Use the Select All pushbutton to select all displayed employees. Once you have made a selection, the pushbutton will become Deselect All. To select a row, select the button to the left of the row to highlight it.
The Notifications tab will not be available until you select employees in the Results tab.
If you selected Failed as one of the filters in the Criteria tab, this non-editable field will display the number of employees who failed the daily floor check.
If you selected Passed as one of the filters in the Criteria tab, this non-editable field will display the number of employees who passed the daily floor check.
If you selected Off as one of the filters in the Criteria tab, this non-editable field will display the number of employees who were scheduled to be off on the selected daily floor check day.
Select the Preview/Print pushbutton to preview the Daily Floor Check report in Adobe Acrobat format. The preview will include all employees listed in the Detail table. Select the Print pushbutton to print the report.