Use this screen to print timesheets based on a specific UDT and for a specific timesheet period. You can suppress the charge descriptions, and include any line and/or cell comments and audit information.
Use this screen any time you want to print timesheets for a specific UDT for a specific timesheet period.
Use the drop-down box to select the UDT that you want the filter to be based on. The drop-down box contains all UDTs that are configured for use in the General Configuration screen and have the Print checkbox selected in the Time Configuration screen. The default value is the primary charge, based on linkage. If you are linking UDT01s to UDT02s, UDT02 will display as the default. If you are not linking UDT01s to UDT02s, UDT01 will be the default value.
Enter the value by which you want the report filtered. This is a required field. You can enter a "partial" value in this field. Example: If you enter "20002" in this field, the report will contain all timesheets for the selected timesheet periods that have charged "20002," including "20002," "20002.0001," "20002.0002," etc. If you enter "20002.0001," the report will contain all timesheets that have used projects that start with "20002.0001."
Use the drop-down box to select the timesheet period for which to print this report. The drop-down box contains all timesheet periods that are "Open" in the Timesheet Schedules screen with the latest timesheet period appearing as the default. The list is also in reverse order, so the latest timesheet periods are at the top of the drop-down list.
If you select this checkbox, any lines that do not contain a UDT like the UDT in the filter will not have the charge description displayed.
Select this checkbox to include all line comments for the timesheet(s) being printed. This checkbox is unchecked by default.
Select this checkbox to include all cell comments for the timesheet(s) being printed. This checkbox is unchecked by default.
Select this checkbox to include the Revision Audit report for the timesheet(s) being printed. This checkbox is unchecked by default.
Select the Preview/Print pushbutton to preview the timesheet report and any additional reports that you selected. These reports display in Adobe Acrobat format. Select the Print pushbutton to print the report(s).
If you have not entered a filter, the system will display the following message: "No filter is selected." If no timesheet meet the selected criteria, the system will display: “No records found.”
Select the Close pushbutton to exit the Print Timesheets by Charge screen.