
If you are a supervisor, select the Search option to display the Timesheet Search dialog.

You can use the Timesheet Search option to search and select employee timesheets. You can also use this dialog to view information about the number of Missing, Open, Signed, Approved, Rejected, and Processed timesheets.  



Use this drop-down box to select the timesheet schedule for which to query employee timesheets. All timesheet schedule descriptions that are set up in your system with year and periods will display in alphabetical order.

The default schedule that displays is based on your employee history information. If you do not have any timesheet schedules set up, the system will display the following error message: "No Timesheet schedules found."


Use this drop-down box to select the year for which you want to query employee timesheets.  All years set up for the defaulted or selected schedule will display in year order.

The default year that displays is the current year assigned to the defaulted or selected schedule.


Use this drop-down box to select the ending date representing the timesheet period you want to query. All period ending dates set up for the defaulted or selected schedule and year will display in date order.

The default period ending date that displays is the current period assigned to the defaulted or selected schedule.


Select the function of the supervisor. The default value is "Select" if the supervisor has more than one function. The group descriptions that display in the Group list box depend on the selected function.  

The options that display in the drop-down box are the functional roles for the supervisor where timesheet view rights are enabled from the Supervisors tab of the Employee Groups screen.  


Select the group or groups whose timesheets you wish to view by selecting the group description. The groups will be listed in alphabetical order. You can select multiple groups. You must select at least one group; otherwise, the system will display the following error message when you select the Execute pushbutton: "At least one employee group needs to be selected."

The available groups are based on the function selected.  For example if you have "Primary Supervisor" rights and you select that for the Function, all groups for which you have primary supervisory rights will be included.

Last Name

You can enter a partial employee name if you want to filter the results. For example, if you enter "A," the system will filter the results and bring up all the timesheets where the employee's last name starts with "A."

Sort By

Select the order in which the employee timesheet information should appear in the Results table after you select the Execute pushbutton.

The available options are "Employee Name," "Status," and, if the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, "Employee ID."  The default will be "Employee Name."

If you select "Employee Name," the employees will be listed in alphabetical order in the Results table. If you select "Status," the employees will still be listed in alphabetical order; however, they will be additionally grouped by their status. The order of the status grouping will follow the order of the checkboxes in the Criteria group box.

If the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen and you select "Employee ID" here, the employees will be listed in the Results table in alphabetical order by Employee ID.

Status and Counts

The Status checkboxes work in conjunction with the Counts fields. When you select the Execute pushbutton, the system will supply the number of timesheets for each checkbox that is checked.  For example, if you have selected the Signed checkbox, the system will display the number of signed timesheets found in the selected group(s). As the default, all checkboxes are selected.  

If all checkboxes are left unchecked, the system will display the following error message when you select the Execute pushbutton: "At least one status needs to be checked."


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets are missing.  The number of missing timesheets will display in the Counts field.

The system takes a number of factors into account when determining whether a timesheet should exist. When the following conditions are met and the timesheet does not exist, the status is determined to be missing.


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets have an open status. The number of open timesheets will display in the Counts field.

Open status means the employee has a timesheet that has not been signed.


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets have a signed status. The number of signed timesheets will display in the Counts field.

Signed status means the timesheet has been signed but not approved.


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets have an approved status. The number of approved timesheets will display in the Counts field.

Approved status means all supervisors have approved the timesheet, but it has not been processed.


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets have a rejected status. The number of rejected timesheets will display in the Counts field.

Rejected status means a supervisor has rejected the timesheet, but the employee has not corrected it.


Select this checkbox to display employees whose timesheets have a processed status. The number of processed timesheets will display in the Counts field.

Processed status means the timesheet has been successfully exported.


Select the Execute pushbutton to display the selected counts and to display the list of employees within the selected group or groups.

If no employees exist in the selected group with the selected statuses, the system will display the following error message: "No employees found matching the search criteria."

The number of employees that can display is determined by the number entered by the System Administrator in the Max Search Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If there are more employees to be displayed, a More pushbutton will appear on the bottom of the screen.


The employees that display in the Results table meet the selection criteria and are displayed after you select the Execute pushbutton. They will display according to your Sort By option.


Use this column to select results. You can select all results by selecting the checkbox in header of column or individually select results that you wish to view.

Employee Name

This non-editable column displays the names of the employees who meet the selection criteria. If the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the IDs will display within parentheses after the name.


This non-editable column displays the statuses of the employees who meet the selection criteria.


Select the More pushbutton to display the next set of employees. If you have selected employees before selecting the More pushbutton, the system will display the following confirmation message: "Current selection of records will be lost. Do you want to continue?"  

If you select Yes, the next set of employees will display and the current selection will be cleared.  If you select No, the current selection of employees will remain.

The More pushbutton will display only if the number of employees found in the search exceeds the value supplied by the System Administrator in the Max Search Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen.


Select the OK pushbutton to display the selected employees timesheets. The first selected employee timesheet will display; use the navigation icons to see the other timesheets.

If no employees are selected when you select the OK pushbutton, the system will display the following error message: "At least one employee needs to be selected."


Select the Cancel pushbutton to return to the Timesheet screen.