Timesheet: Right Side of Data Entry Grid

The right side of the timesheet screen contains the hours charged for each day, charge totals, and any entered cell comments.  

Hours Grid

The Hours Grid is a scrollable table that displays the hours charged. You can adjust the number of days displayed by moving the splitter bar to the right or left. To see additional days, use the scroll bar to adjust the display. You can have up to 31 Hours columns. The number of columns displayed depends on your timesheet schedule.  

If your employee timesheet class has the Time In/Out feature enabled, a Clock icon will appear in the upper right section of each hour's column. Click on the Clock icon to open a Time In/Out dialog where you can enter information pertaining to the day. See the "Time In/Out" section for more details.

If your employee timesheet class has the Prorate Hours at Signature feature enabled, hours will display as either Entered or Prorated based on the toggle button at the top of the screen. See Special Topic: Hours Proration for more information.

If you have entered cell comments in an hour cell, the Cell Comment icon will also appear in the cell.  If you enter into an hours cell that does not already have a cell comment, the Cell Comment icon will display so you can add a comment. See the "Cell Comments" section for more details.

You will not be able to select an hours cell if you are in the middle of adding a timesheet line that is incomplete. If this occurs, the system will display the following error message: "The timesheet line is incomplete. Please provide required information or reset line."

Cell hours may be non-editable. Following is a list of when this can happen:

The background color of an hours cell is determined by the type of day set up in the employee's work schedule.  

The text color of an hours cell depends on status.

The number of decimal positions that is displayed depends on what the System Administrator set up in the Timesheet Classes screen. It will be one of the following:

In addition to using the mouse to move around in the hours grid, you can use the following keyboard keys:

UDT10 Summary

The total hours value displayed in the bottom right corner of the timesheet grid contains a hyperlink. When you select it, the system displays a dialog summarizing the total hours by UDT10.


The dialog contains a table summarizing hours by UDT10. The columns include the UDT10 description and number of hours.


Select the Close pushbutton to close the dialog and return to the Timesheet screen.

Cell Comments

To add or edit an existing cell comment, select the Cell Comment icon within the hour cell. The Cell Comments dialog will appear.

The line number and column date will also appear in the dialog heading. Enter the information you want to add, or edit the information already in the body of the cell comment dialog. You can enter up to 4,000 characters. Select OK to save the comment.

You can still view an existing cell comment when the hour cell is non-editable.

If you enter into an editable cell that does not already have a cell comment, the Cell Comment icon will appear so that you can add a comment.  

Labor Rate Table

This table will display if your system is configured to use either one or both of the user-defined rates (determined by the User-Defined Rates group box in the Miscellaneous tab in the Time Configuration screen). The employee's timesheet class must also have the View checkbox selected.  If only one rate is being used and is viewable, only one rate will display in the table. See Special Topic: Labor Costing for more information.


The label for this row is the label provided in the User-Defined Rates group box in the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen.


Whether the rate can be modified is based on the Modify checkbox in the User-Defined Rates group box in the Basic Information tab in the employee's Timesheet Classes screen.

If you are a supervisor viewing your employee's rates your functional role must have the View checkbox selected in the Rate1 section of the Timesheet Rights tab in order to see the employee's rate. The Modify checkbox must be selected in order to modify the employee's rate.

Enter a rate if you do not want to use the default rate. You will need to select the Calculate pushbutton to recalculate the amount.

You will not be able to change the rate if your timesheet is displaying prorated hours or is read-only. Showing prorated hours is based on the Entered/Prorated toggle at the top of the timesheet if your system is configured to prorate hours and the timesheet has been signed.


This non-editable field displays the calculated amount for the provided rate.


The label for this row is the label provided in the User-Defined Rates group box in the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen.


You can modify the rate if the Modify checkbox is selected in the User-Defined Rates group box in the Basic Information tab of the employee's Timesheet Classes screen.

If you are a supervisor viewing your employee's rates, your functional role must have the View checkbox selected in the Rate1 section of the Timesheet Rights tab before you can see the employee's rate. The Modify checkbox must be selected in order for you modify the employee's rate.

Enter a rate if you do not want to use the default rate. You will need to select the Calculate pushbutton to recalculate the amount.

You will not be able to change the rate if your timesheet (or employee's timesheet if you are a supervisor) is displaying prorated hours or is read-only. If your system has been configured for hour proration and the timesheet has been signed, the timesheet will display the prorated hours if you have appropriately set the Entered/Prorated toggle at the top of the timesheet.


This non-editable field displays the calculated amount for the provided rate.


The Calculate pushbutton will display if the Labor Rate table is displayed. It will remain disabled until a rate is changed. If you change a rate, select the Calculate pushbutton to recalculate and display the new amount. When the calculation completes the Calculate pushbutton will become disabled.


Select the OK pushbutton to save the text you have entered for the cell comment and any rate/amount changes.  

If the hour cell is read-only and you are reviewing an existing cell comment, the OK and Cancel pushbuttons will be replaced with a Close pushbutton.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the Cell Comments dialog.

If the hour cell is read-only and you are reviewing an existing cell comment, the OK and Cancel pushbuttons will be replaced with a Close pushbutton.

Time In/Out

To bring up the Time In/Out dialog, select the Clock icon in the upper right section of each day column. The Clock icon is displayed only if your timesheet class is configured for Time In/Out in the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen. If the timesheet is non-editable and Time In/Out is activated, you can still view the Time In/Out dialog, but the fields will be disabled.

Date In

Select the date you wish to use from the drop-down box. You can select the date of the hours column where the Clock icon was selected or the same date minus one day.

Date Out

Select the date you wish to use from the drop-down box. You can select the date of the hours column where the Clock icon was selected or the same date plus one day.

Non-Work Hours

Enter the number of hours between the Time In and Time Out hours that are considered non-work hours.

Time In

Enter the time you started working in an hour and minutes format. Select the appropriate "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down box to the right of the Time In field. The valid hours are "01" to "12," and the valid minutes are "00" to "59."

The default value for a new record is the start time for on-site work from the employee's work schedule.

Lunch Start

If lunch start and end times are being tracked, enter the time you went for lunch in an hour and minutes format. Select the appropriate "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down box to the right of the Lunch Start field. The valid hours are "01" to "12," and the valid minutes are "00" to "59."

Lunch End

If lunch start and end times are being tracked, enter the time you went for lunch in an hour and minutes format. Select the appropriate "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down box to the right of the Lunch Start field. The valid hours are "01" to "12," and the valid minutes are "00" to "59."

Time Out

Enter the time you stopped working in an hour and minutes format. Select the appropriate "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down box to the right of the Time In field. The valid hours are "01" to "12," and the valid minutes are "00" to "59."

The default value for a new record is the end time for on-site work from the employee's work schedule.

Time In/Out Hours

The system calculates this field by subtracting Time In from Time Out. It represents the gross number of hours.

[-] Lunch Hours

The system calculates this field by subtracting Lunch Start from Lunch End. It is the total number of hours taken for lunch.

[-] Non-Work Hours

Use this field to record the number hours taken for breaks. This should NOT include lunch hours.

[+] Off-Site Hours

Enter the number of hours (besides the hours between the Time In and Time Out hours) that are off-site hours.  These hours will not be included in the time in/out calculation.

Total Hours

This field displays the total number of hours you should record for the day on the timesheet grid.


Enter up to 254 characters for comments for the day.


Select the OK pushbutton to validate the Time In/Out times and to close the dialog. The database will be updated with the Time In/Out information when you save the timesheet.

If the timesheet is read-only, a Close pushbutton will be available in place of the OK and Cancel pushbuttons.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the dialog without saving any Time In/Out information.

Charge Totals

The line and day totals are displayed at the end of each line or column and are automatically updated as changes are made.

Start/Stop Times

Labor laws in some states (California, for example) require that, in some cases, employees track and record start and stop times for each new task. They may also need to track start and stop times for breaks and meals.

 Whether you enter start and stop times is determined by settings on the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen for your timesheet class. If this feature is implemented, a Clock icon appears in the heading cell for each day column. Click that icon to open the Start/Stop Times dialog box.

If start and stop times are activated but the timesheet is no longer editable, you can still view the Start/Stop Times dialog box, but the fields in it are disabled.

The Start/Stop Times dialog box contains the following fields and controls:

Add Line

Click Add Line to add a new start/stop time row. Enter the information for the row in the fields below the grid, and click the Add Line button at the bottom of the dialog box.

If the Add Line function is disabled, it is for one of these reasons:

Edit Line

If you need to make changes to information in an existing start/stop time row, check the box at the beginning of the row and then click Edit Line. Make the changes in the fields below the grid and click the Update Line button at the bottom of the dialog box.

If the Edit Line function is disabled, it is for one of these reasons:

In addition, if the timesheet cell associated with a start/stop time row is marked as "processed" or "sent," the check box for that row is disabled so you cannot change or delete it.

Delete Line

If you want to remove an existing start/stop time row, check the box at the beginning of the row and then click Delete Line.

If Delete Line is disabled, it is for one of these reasons:

In addition, if the timesheet cell associated with a start/stop time row is marked as "processed" or "sent," the check box for that row is disabled so you cannot change or delete it.

Start/stop times grid

The start and stop times you have already entered are displayed in the grid.


In Charge, select the type of charge for which you are entering start and stop times. These are the options:

To enter start and stop times for a specific charge code, you must first add a row for it to the timesheet, if one doesn't already exist.

Start Date

In Start Date, enter the date for the start time you are entering.

This date can be the date for the timesheet column in which you clicked the Clock icon, one day earlier than that timesheet column date, or one day later than that timesheet column date.

Start Time

In Start Time, enter the starting time of the break, meal, general work period, or work period for the timesheet charge row selected in Charge.

Stop Date

In Stop Date, enter the date for the stop time you are entering.

This date can be the date for the timesheet column in which you clicked the Clock icon, one day earlier than that timesheet column date, or one day later than that timesheet column date.

Stop Time

In Stop Time, enter the ending time of the break, meal, general work period, or work period for the timesheet charge row selected in Charge.

You can leave Stop Time blank as long as it is the only record without a stop time and is for the latest start/stop time row for the date.


In Comment, you can enter a short note concerning the break, meal, or work period.

Add Line/Update Line/OK

This button label changes depending on what you are doing.


If you are in the process of adding or editing a start and stop time row, click Cancel once to discard your entries for the current row. Any other start/stop time rows you entered are not affected and the Start/Stop Times dialog box remains open. If you click Cancel a second time, the dialog box closes and any start/stop time rows entered and any changes you made since you last opened the Start/Stop times dialog box are discarded.

If you are not in the process of adding or editing a start/stop time row, the dialog box closes when you click Cancel. Any start/stop time rows added and any changes made to existing rows while you had the Start/Stop times dialog box open are discarded.