Open Timesheet

Select this option to open a specific timesheet.  The Open Timesheet dialog box appears, displaying a calendar for the current month and drop-down boxes from which you can select other months or years. Also included are navigation arrows next to the drop-down boxes navigating to the previous or next month.

The highlighted default date is the current system date.

When the Timesheet screen first appears, the current timesheet is loaded.


Use the Month drop-down box to select a different month.  When you make your selection, the calendar displays the correct month information for the selected year.


Use the Year drop-down box to select a different year. When you make your selection, the calendar displays the selected year and month information.


Once you have chosen the date that you wish to use by clicking on the date in the calendar, click OK to display the appropriate timesheet.

If a timesheet does not exist for the selected date, an empty timesheet screen will display with a missing status.

If you get one of these errors, the calendar remains on the screen until you select another date:

In addition, if the timesheet has hours entered for a date outside the employee's period of employment (that is, before the hired date or after the termination date), a warning is displayed. When you close the warning dialog box, the dates shown in the grid are adjusted as necessary so that the hours in question are visible for your review.  


Click Cancel to close the screen without selecting a timesheet date.


Click Today to highlight the current date.