
This portion of the timesheet displays the employee name, timesheet status, revision number, timesheet class, timesheet period ending date, and period navigation buttons.  You cannot edit this information.  This information displays for the selected timesheet in accordance with the configuration settings.

If your timesheet class is configured for proration, an additional Current Hour View field will display between the Employee and Status fields after you have signed your timesheet.

If the timesheet period is closed, "Closed" will display next to the Timesheet screen title.  Following are the various reasons why a timesheet is considered closed:

If a supervisor without modification rights is viewing an employee's timesheet, "Read Only" will display next to the Timesheet screen title. "Read Only" will also display if the timesheet is being exported.


This non-editable field displays your last name, first name, and middle initial (if supplied) as submitted to your human resources department. If the System Administrator selected the Show Employee ID checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen, the ID will display in parentheses after the name.    

If you are a supervisor and have selected multiple employees through the timesheet Search function, this field will be a drop-down box. You can use the drop-down box to "jump" from employee to employee instead of navigating in order.

Current Hour View

The Current Hour View field will have a pushbutton to the right of it where you can toggle between two different hour views of your timesheet. When the pushbutton label is "Entered" you are viewing the hours as you actually entered them. When the pushbutton label is "Prorated," you are viewing the prorated hours as determined by the proration routine when the timesheet was signed. By default the hours displayed and button label will be "Entered." Please review Special Topic: Hours Proration for more information on proration.

The Current Hour View field will display after the signature process if the Prorate Hours at Signature checkbox is selected in the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen.  


This non-editable field displays the status of the current timesheet. The system assigns one of six possible statuses to each timesheet:

See the Missing status section of the Search option for more details.


This non-editable field displays the current revision of the timesheet. The revision will display as "1" for a new timesheet. The revision number will be incremented by one every time you save auditable changes.

To review previous revisions, select the Audit function. Use the Revision drop-down box in the Revision Audit dialog to select and review previous revisions.


This non-editable field displays the timesheet class to which you are assigned. The timesheet class dictates the business rules that will be in effect during timesheet entry.

Period Ending

This non-editable field displays the period ending date, based on the company's timesheet schedules and the schedule that is assigned to you. The text to the left of the field displays the current timesheet schedule description.

If your system is configured to allow it, additional custom text may follow the period ending date in parentheses. For example, if you are paid bi-weekly but your timesheet periods are weekly, your system might be set up to display the pay period week following the ending date: 07/14/2007 (Week 1).

Period Navigation

Once on a particular timesheet, an employee or supervisor can navigate from one period to another using the arrow keys to the right of the Period Ending field. An employee can navigate his particular timesheets, whereas a supervisor can navigate the timesheet(s) of several employees.  Select the right navigation icon to proceed to the timesheet for the next period.  Select the left navigation icon to proceed to the previous periods timesheet.

If you have unsaved changes on the timesheet when a period navigation arrow is selected you will receive the following confirmation message: "There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save?"

If you select Yes, the changes will save and the next appropriate timesheet will display. If you select No, the changes will not be saved before the next appropriate timesheet is displayed.

If you have an incomplete line on the timesheet and you select a period navigation arrow, the system will display the following confirmation message:  "Timesheet contains incomplete line. Do you want to discard?"

If you select Yes, the line will be discarded and the next appropriate timesheet will display. If you select No, the cursor will be returned to the incomplete line.

Header UDT

Depending on the settings in the Time Configuration screen, the system can display one of the UDT values from the employee's history.

A common configuration for this field is Department (UDT03).


A common configuration for this field is Organization (UDT09).