Off-Line Timesheet

This option will be available only if so configured for the employee's timesheet class. With this option, you can choose to create a new off-line timesheet or merge an existing off-line timesheet.

This option will be available only if all changes to the timesheet are saved.

Create Off-Line Timesheet

Select this radio button to create an off-line timesheet based on the current web timesheet being displayed.  This radio button will be selected by default if no previous off-line timesheet has been created for this timesheet.

Merge Off-Line Timesheet

Select this radio button to merge or import a previously created off-line timesheet. This radio button will be selected by default if a previous off-line timesheet has been created for this timesheet.


Select the OK pushbutton to create or merge the off-line timesheet. If you selected the Create Off-Line Timesheet radio button, the browser will open a file download dialog so you can save the off-line timesheet to an appropriate location. If you selected the Merge Off-Line Timesheet radio button, the system will open the Merge Off-Line Timesheet dialog.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the dialog and abort creating or merging an off-line timesheet.

Merge Off-Line Timesheet

Merging is the process of importing timesheet changes from the off-line timesheet to the on-line timesheet. The process starts with a dialog that allows you to specify the off-line timesheet Excel file.

Off-Line Timesheet File

Enter the location and name of the file or use the Browse pushbutton to locate it.


Select the Upload pushbutton to merge off-line timesheet. During the merge process, the system will perform validations.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close dialog and abort merging the off-line timesheet.

Merge Errors

If any data is found to be missing or invalid in the off-line timesheet during the merge, the system will display a dialog that allows you to repair or skip timesheet lines.

Line No

This non-editable field displays the line number that failed validation.

UDT01 - UDT15

The UDTs used on the timesheet display in this field. Each field has a Lookup pushbutton. If a field fails validation, the error description displays to the right of the Lookup pushbutton. Use the Lookup pushbutton to select the correct UDT value.


If you corrected the UDT errors, select the Repair pushbutton to merge the updated timesheet line.


Select the Skip pushbutton if you want to skip merging the timesheet line. The system will continue to validate and merge later lines.


Select the Cancel pushbutton to close the dialog and abort merging the off-line timesheet.