Use this tab to configure the 10 User-Defined Tables (UDTs) for Deltek Expense. The labels for the UDTs are entered in the General Configuration screen. There are specific guidelines for how these UDT tables must be configured for certain financial systems. Please see the Deltek Expense Getting Started Guide for more information. Besides configuring UDTs, you can specify the signature and approval text on this tab.
The locale and description fields are non-editable. The Locale field displays the default locale set up in the General Configuration screen. To change to a different Locale, you must use the Search option.
This column is hard-coded for each of the 10 user-defined tables. You cannot edit or move them.
This non-editable column displays labels from the General Configuration screen for the Locale being viewed.
Select this checkbox to make this a required field on the expense report. For UDT01, this checkbox is always selected and cannot be changed.
Select this checkbox if you want the system to validate the UDT value during expense report entry.
Select this checkbox if you want the UDT to display on the expense report.
Use this group box to specify the text employees see during the signature process when they enter their password or that supervisors see during the signature process when they approve their employees' expense reports.
If you specify approval text in this screen, supervisors will be required to enter their passwords for the first approval in a user session. The text supplied here displays in the Approval dialog.
Select the type of text that you are about to enter in the text box. The available options are "Expense Report Signature, "Expense Report Approval," "Expense Authorization Signature," and "Expense Authorization Approval."
Enter the text, up to 254 characters, that will display to employees when they sign expense reports or expense authorizations to supervisors when they approve expense reports or expense authorizations.
Use this table to set up the date ranges on the Aging report for Outstanding Expenses, Outstanding Advances, and Outstanding Cash Receipts. The report is broken out into five columns that represent how long the outstanding expense, advance, and/or cash receipt has been in the system. The lower the number, the less time the expense, advance, and/or cash receipt has been outstanding in the system.
Enter the name that you want to appear in the column heading on the Aging report. The names of the columns should correspond with the numbers entered in the From Days and To Days fields. This field is limited to 20 characters, and you must enter a column heading for each row.
This field displays the starting number of days for the column. It should correspond to the number entered in the column heading on the Aging report. You must enter a value in each of the five rows.
This field displays the ending number of days for the column. It should correspond to the number entered in the column heading of the Aging Report. You must enter a value in each of the five rows.