This portion of the expense report displays the expenses that have been entered and allows you to add new expenses and edit existing expenses. It summarizes the expenses by category and by date. To add an expense, click on the category name or the "+" sign above the category. This will take you to the appropriate wizard where you can enter details about the expense.
There are three ways to view these expenses: "Category Columns," "Date Columns," and "Standard." The expense report type determines the view. When you first enter the screen, the default view is that of the default expense report type in the employee's expense class.
This view displays the categories from left to right across the top of the table with the dates listed numerically down the side. The categories that are displayed depend on the expense report type that you select. The table expands down to accommodate the number of dates entered and expands across if there are more than seven categories set up for the expense report type.
This view displays the dates from left to right across the top of the table with the categories down the side. The categories that display depend on the expense report type that you select.
This view displays the expenses in the order they were entered. The fields across the top of the table are Expense ID, Category, Type, Date, Description, and Total.