Detail Schedules

The Detail Schedules display detail information regarding many of the fields on the expense report. To access these schedules, click on the hyperlink and you will be redirected to the bottom of the expense report, where you can view the details. To return to the expense report summary, select the "Top" hyperlink next to the Detail Schedule.


Cash Advance Schedule

The Cash Advance Schedule displays the details that make up each of the Cash Advances on the expense report.

Billable Schedule

The Billable Schedule displays the items that make up the total amount of the expense report. They are listed in the order in which they were entered. It displays the reimbursable amount, the billable amount, and the non-billable amount for each expense. If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail.

Charge Allocation Schedule

The Charge Allocation Schedule displays the breakout of the expenses by charge allocation.  Project managers can use the schedule to approve or reject expenses charged against their job. If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail.

Company Paid Schedule

The Company Paid Schedule displays the items that were paid for by the company. For an item to be shown on this schedule, you must have selected a Payment Method that was set up as a Company Paid payment method. If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail. If there are no expenses that meet these criteria, this schedule will not be shown.

Labor Supporting Schedule

The Labor Supporting Schedule displays the hours charged on the employee's timesheet for the same period as the expense report's start and end date.  You can use this to verify the timesheet charges against the expense charges for the same time period.

Non-Reimbursable Schedule

The Non-Reimbursable Schedule displays the expenses that contain amounts that will not be reimbursed to the employee. If no expenses meet these criteria, this schedule will not be shown. If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail.

Over Ceiling Schedule

The Over Ceiling Schedule displays the expenses that contain amounts that went over the company-defined ceiling amount. Depending on how the expense type is configured, these expenses may or may not be reimbursed to the employee (see the Over-Ceiling Rule drop-down box in the Expense Types screen). If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail. If no expenses meet these criteria, this schedule will not be shown.

Payment Schedule

The Payment Schedule displays the payments that were made for this expense report. If no payments have been made, this schedule will not be shown.

Personal Schedule

The Personal Schedule displays the expenses that contain amounts that were entered as "personal" expenses. If you click on the Expense ID, you will be brought to the expense where you can view it in further detail. If no expenses meet these criteria, this schedule will not be shown.

Receipt Status Schedule

The Receipt Status Schedule displays all expenses on an expense report. Those that require a receipt have an empty checkbox in the Received column. Those that do not require a receipt will display "N/A" in the Received column. The individual responsible for recording the receipts will select the checkboxes as the receipts come in. Once finished, the individual will select the Update pushbutton. If all required receipts have been received, the status will change to "Received."

If you have configured the system to use Receipt Imaging (the Receipt Imaging drop-down box in the Miscellaneous tab of the Expense Configuration screen is set to "Standard"), the Receipt Status Schedule will also be able to view and load receipt images. The individual responsible for loading the receipt image can load the file directly from this schedule by selecting the Load Images pushbutton. See Special Topic: Receipt Imaging for details.

If you have configured the system to use the Gather Receipt Info at ER Sign, the Receipt Status Schedule will display the Submitted column and any supporting explanations if a receipt is required for the expense. Enabling this feature allows the person signing the ER to check off the receipts that they have submitted, and/or explain why they may not have a receipt for a specific expense. If the reason for a missing receipt is legitimate, the individual approving the ER may proceed with the approval. If a receipt is not required, or the Gather Receipt Info at ER Sign is not turned on, the Submitted column will display N/A and the Reason column will remain blank.

Report Status Schedule

The Report Status Schedule displays all of the tasks that must be completed in order for the expense report to be exported. If the task has been completed, it displays the name of the person that completed the task and the date/time that it was done. The Can Be Completed By field will be blank. If the task has not been completed, Completed By and Completion Date/Time will be blank and the Can Be Completed By column will display the names of the individuals that can complete the task.

Revision Schedule

The Revision Schedule displays all of the changes that have been made to this expense report since it was submitted. Before it is signed, it will contain only a line showing the initial entry.

Voucher Distribution Schedule

The Voucher Distribution Schedule displays the general ledger details for the expenses on the expense report. It displays the breakout of each expense (Under Ceiling, Over Ceiling, Unallowable, Tax 1, and Tax 2 amounts) and also shows the general ledger account information for those expenses charged with a payment method defined as "Company Paid."